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Some Help ?? - Zorono - 21.12.2015

Today I Finished 60% Scripting In My New Gamemode
But Its Not Working In Version 0.3C
Can Anyone Help Me To Update My Gamemode To 0.3C

Re: Some Help ?? - Sh4d0w2 - 21.12.2015

Why you don't use 0.37?

Re: Some Help ?? - Zorono - 21.12.2015

Originally Posted by Sh4d0w2
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Why you don't use 0.37?
Iam Scripting It For My Freind He Have Server But He Need Gamemode And His Server 0.3C-R5
But My Gamemode Not Working In 0.3C
Can You Help Me To Update It To 0.3C

Re: Some Help ?? - Sh4d0w2 - 21.12.2015

I can't help you with that but the best thing I can do is to give you advice.
My advice is tell your friend to use SAMP 0.37 because its the latest one ( more functions more benefits ) & I can said like 90% of SAMP players use 0.37 version nowadays.

Re: Some Help ?? - SecretBoss - 21.12.2015

Can You Help Me To Update It To 0.3C
Update is when you put a newer version to your server not an ancient one, Why you should use 0.3C? when you can update your server to 0.3.7 with just one file? I can't really understand that logic

And if your script is not working on 0.3C is because 0.3C doesn't support some functions where released after 0.3C

Re: Some Help ?? - N0FeaR - 21.12.2015

Why the heck u want 0.3c

Re: Some Help ?? - Zorono - 21.12.2015

my freind want 0.3C or he will be angry
can anyone help me to update it to 0.3C pleasseeee

Re: Some Help ?? - Ritzy2K - 21.12.2015

You did not understand, "updating" (technically you're not updating but downgrading) to 0.3c is not hard, just change (announce, samp.exe etc). But are you sure your script DOES not use any function or callback introduced after 0.3c? If not then what's the problem?

Re: Some Help ?? - N0FeaR - 21.12.2015

Originally Posted by Zorono
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my freind want 0.3C or he will be angry
can anyone help me to update it to 0.3C pleasseeee
this might help u then,