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cmd bugged - Printable Version

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cmd bugged - PoTaToKiNgZ - 20.12.2015

Hi all i made a /maps cmd today to see all the maps with a dialogue i scripted it like this
	new helpstring[300];
	strcat(helpstring,""COL_WHITE"LS Beach                "COL_RED"0\n");
	strcat(helpstring,""COL_WHITE"LS Hood                "COL_RED" 1\n");
	strcat(helpstring,""COL_WHITE"LV Hood                "COL_RED" 2\n");
	strcat(helpstring,""COL_WHITE"DillMore               "COL_RED" 3\n");
	strcat(helpstring,""COL_WHITE"Campout                "COL_RED" 4\n");
	strcat(helpstring,""COL_WHITE"FloatingShips          "COL_RED" 5\n");
	strcat(helpstring,""COL_WHITE"LVPD                    "COL_RED"6\n");
	strcat(helpstring,""COL_WHITE"BattleField            "COL_RED" 7\n");
	strcat(helpstring,""COL_WHITE"Aircraft               "COL_RED" 8\n");
	strcat(helpstring,""COL_WHITE"Desert Survival        "COL_RED" 9\n");
	strcat(helpstring,""COL_WHITE"Area 51               "COL_RED" 10\n");
	strcat(helpstring,""COL_WHITE"GhostTown             "COL_RED" 11\n");
	strcat(helpstring,""COL_WHITE"PierTrip               "COL_RED"12\n");
	strcat(helpstring,""COL_WHITE"Area51 (2)            "COL_RED" 13\n");
	strcat(helpstring,""COL_WHITE"Bridge                 "COL_RED"14\n");
	strcat(helpstring,""COL_WHITE"Factory                "COL_RED"15\n");
	strcat(helpstring,""COL_WHITE"ConstructionSite       "COL_RED"16\n");
	strcat(helpstring,""COL_WHITE"ZombieDesert           "COL_RED"17\n");
	ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_HELP,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,""COL_LIGHTBLUE"Mapnames                "COL_GREEN"ID",helpstring,"Close","");
	return 1;
but when i go ingame i cant see everything i just see the half of it?
Help me please

Re: cmd bugged - Mencent - 20.12.2015


Your value in the string "helpstring" is too small. Increase this value.
PHP код:
new helpstring[800]; 
It should be better.