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[FilterScript] Advance Helmet with Headshot System. - Printable Version

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Advance Helmet with Headshot System. - MBilal - 19.12.2015

Advance Helmet and Headshot System.

Hello Assalam alaikum everybudy today i was getting bore so i decided to make a small system.


if any budy wearing helmet and you headshot him he will lose only helmet not any health.

if that guy not wearing helmet he will lose health easily.

if that guy not wearing helmet and he have armour he will lose his armour .

if he is not wearing helmet and dont have armour he will lose health directly that mean headshot.



You can enable or disable helmet using this cmd .

To avoid cmd spam i added 60 sec Timer to avoid spam.



Zcmd for include.

and me

Re: Advance Helmet with Headshot System. - Younes44 - 19.12.2015

lel Not bad
good job

Re: Advance Helmet with Headshot System. - aysam7 - 19.12.2015

nice work

Re: Advance Helmet with Headshot System. - MBilal - 22.12.2015

Thanks Nigga.