Truck Job - Printable Version
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Truck Job -
Ugaustin - 17.12.2015
how can I make a timer so the player has to be in "IsATruck" and has to go 60 seconds and a countdown timer. and if he stops to appear message "You failed the mission" ?? can someone tell me please??
Re: Truck Job -
Amunra - 17.12.2015
Can you give me your Script About job truck?
I Can't Help you before See your script
Re: Truck Job -
ikey07 - 17.12.2015
new Timer;
new Timer = SetTimer("CheckDriver",1000*60,1);
public CheckDriver()
if(!IsATruck(i)) { You failed the mission; }
Re: Truck Job -
Ugaustin - 17.12.2015
I did but can someone help me make textdraw countdown.. for job..