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OnPlayerUpdate Problem - Printable Version

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OnPlayerUpdate Problem - DiamondGold - 17.12.2015

Hello, I have a problem, when I change my Hunger Bladder Energy system into percent, it always changing with random numbers.
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
    new RolPointTXT1[250];
	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAccount] == 0)
	RolPointTXT1 = "Ninguno";
	new string4[250];
	format(string4, sizeof(string4), "BANK: %s", FormatMoney(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAccount]));
	TextDrawSetString(RolPoint4[playerid], string4);
 	new RolPointTXT2[250];
	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pJailTime] == 0)
	RolPointTXT2 = "Ninguno";
	format(string4, sizeof(string4), "Jail Time: %d", PlayerInfo[playerid][pJailTime]-10);
	TextDrawSetString(JailTimeNotice, string4);
    // Alt-Tab detection
	AltTabbed[playerid] = 0;
	//HungerBladderEnergy System
 	new RolPointTXT3[250];
	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pHunger] == 0)
	RolPointTXT3 = "Ninguno";
	format(string4, sizeof(string4), "%d%", PlayerInfo[playerid][pHunger]);
	TextDrawSetString(lapar, string4);
 	new RolPointTXT4[250];
	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pEnergy] == 0)
	RolPointTXT4 = "Ninguno";
	format(string4, sizeof(string4), "%d%", PlayerInfo[playerid][pHaus]);
	TextDrawSetString(butuhair, string4);
 	new RolPointTXT5[250];
	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pBladder] == 0)
	RolPointTXT5 = "Ninguno";
	format(string4, sizeof(string4), "%d%", PlayerInfo[playerid][pBladder]);
	TextDrawSetString(bladder01, string4);
 	new RolPointTXT6[250];
	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pTired] == 0)
	RolPointTXT6 = "Ninguno";
	format(string4, sizeof(string4), "%d%", PlayerInfo[playerid][pTired]);
	TextDrawSetString(tidur, string4);
When I try my GM at my laptop, it works. But when I upload to my VPS, when the players login, it mix with the other Hunger Bladder Energy.
Can anyone help me to fix this bug?..
Thanks before

Re: OnPlayerUpdate Problem - Dokins - 17.12.2015

Use %f.