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crashdetect failing to load - Printable Version

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crashdetect failing to load - MrCallum - 16.12.2015


Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[14:06:56] filterscripts = "" (string)
[14:06:56] Server Plugins
[14:06:56] --------------
[14:06:56] Loading plugin: streamer

*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[14:06:56] Loaded.
[14:06:56] Loading plugin: sscanf
[14:06:56] Failed.
[14:06:56] Loading plugin: mysql

> MySQL plugin R5 successfully loaded.

[14:06:56] Loaded.
[14:06:56] Loading plugin: socket
[14:06:56] Socket plugin v0.1b loaded.
[14:06:56] Loaded.
[14:06:56] Loading plugin: Whirlpool
[14:06:56] ==================
[14:06:56] Whirlpool loaded
[14:06:56] ==================
[14:06:56] Loaded.
[14:06:56] Loading plugin: crashdetect
[14:06:56] Failed.
[14:06:56] Loaded 4 plugins.

Why is it not working The plugin is in the plugins folder...

Re: crashdetect failing to load - Sawalha - 16.12.2015

show me your server cfg file, and make sure that the plugin is not inside any sub folder inside plugins folder, and make sure that the name in your cfg file is the same as file name in plugins folder