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entering checkpoints,earning money - Printable Version

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entering checkpoints,earning money - aron1337 - 28.12.2008

what can i do, if i want to make a new job,
if someone starts the mail delivery(/startdelivery),i want a checkpoint to appear, if he enters it, he gets 25$ and anotherone appears, if he enters this one, he gets 25 $ and anotherone appears, i already made the checkpoints

new postanfang = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,1666.8556,-1561.0742,13.2740,4.0); // neuanfang
new post1 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,1446.5013,-1364.5698,13.2740,4.0); // 1
new post2 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,1667.8282,-1328.6799,17.1700,4.0); // 2
new post3 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,1868.9440,-1269.7139,13.2895,4.0); // 3
new post4 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,2102.7388,-1282.9210,24.7427,4.0); // 4
new post5 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,2311.3206,-1369.7550,23.7480,4.0); // 5
new post6 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,2391.2722,-1547.7004,23.8041,4.0); // 6
new post7 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,2422.8911,-1741.1283,13.2757,4.0); // 7
new post8 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,2372.1968,-1785.0055,13.2739,4.0); // 8
new post9 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,2335.8730,-1786.6041,13.2760,4.0); // 9
new post10 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,2311.3091,-1725.7714,13.2740,4.0); // 10
new post11 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,1678.9551,-1460.7743,13.2796,4.0); // 11
new post12 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,1665.5348,-1402.1864,13.2740,4.0); // 12
new post13 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,1105.5223,-1370.8251,13.7115,4.0); // 13
new post14 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,1109.3978,-1331.9777,12.7261,4.0); // 14
new post15 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,1156.5261,-1204.1954,19.2880,4.0); // 15
new post16 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,1045.9407,-1200.5060,18.4957,4.0); // 16
new post17 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,997.9593,-914.8061,41.9398,4.0); // 16
new post18 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,1194.0582,-890.4613,42.8569,4.0); // 17
new post19 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,1314.6318,-873.7339,39.3052,4.0); // 18
new post20 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,1421.0719,-916.7447,35.7740,4.0); // 19
new post21 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,2010.8859,-979.1149,35.2885,4.0); // 10
new post22 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,2010.8859,-979.1149,35.2884,4.0); // 20
new post23 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,2090.5427,-992.3484,52.2843,4.0); // 30
new post24 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,2091.7139,-992.3539,52.4625,4.0); // 21
new post25 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,2140.5530,-1006.8290,61.5297,4.0); // 22
new post26 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,2162.3953,-1079.9875,35.4458,4.0); // 23
new post27 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,2205.0198,-1153.8198,25.4705,4.0); // 24
new post28 = SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,2351.7107,-1166.9823,27.3503,4.0); // 25

post is MAIL in germany^^
postanfang is the first one

Re: entering checkpoints,earning money - kross1996 - 05.02.2011


Re: entering checkpoints,earning money - Mean - 05.02.2011

GivePlayerMoney(playerid, ammount) not GivePlayerCash!

Re: entering checkpoints,earning money - Vince - 05.02.2011

Just so you know: SetPlayerCheckpoint does not return an id or something, so assigning it to a variable is completely useless.