Help screen - Printable Version
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Help screen -
JSRP - 30.11.2015
I do not know how to fix , here's image as it looks
If anyone knows the fix would be grateful if we explain how to fix it
and sorry for bad english this is from the translator
Re: Help screen -
Denying - 30.11.2015
Perhaps the player is way too up high in the sky? I made a slap command in which you choose the height of the slap and whenever I enter a high number my screen gets like that.
Check the player's height.
Re: Help screen -
JSRP - 30.11.2015
Thats not the problem, If someone else has a solution
Re: Help screen -
itsCody - 30.11.2015
The player is going out of bounds.
Post the command.
Re: Help screen -
DRIFT_HUNTER - 30.11.2015
Coordinates are our of bounds.
Kordinate su ti negde u tri lepe, to jest igrac ti se spawnuje na nekim kordinatama koje su 100x dalje od same GTA SA mape.
Re: Help screen -
JSRP - 30.11.2015
Originally Posted by DRIFT_HUNTER
Coordinates are our of bounds.
Kordinate su ti negde u tri lepe, to jest igrac ti se spawnuje na nekim kordinatama koje su 100x dalje od same GTA SA mape.
The spawn is in LS
Pa spawn je normalan, tj u LS-u je