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Rotating object while moving - Printable Version

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Rotating object while moving - Lenon - 27.11.2015

How I can make object to rotate while moving?

I tryed like this:

new grass;
grass = CreateObject(702,-172.7709,1688.5282,16.3303, 0, 0, 0, 300.00);
MoveObject(grass, -180.6491, 1685.0883, 17.5278, 0.0, -360.0000, 0.0, 2.0);
Object need to be moved to this coordinates 180.6491, 1685.0883, 17.5278 .

Re: Rotating object while moving - CmZxC - 27.11.2015

Format for MoveObject is as follows
PHP код:
(objectidFloat:XFloat:YFloat:ZFloat:SpeedFloat:RotX = -1000.0Float:RotY = -1000.0Float:RotZ = -1000.0
You just have to change in your code the -360.0000, 0.0, 2.0); part with the rotation you want it to be.