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[FilterScript] Dynamic Gate System - Printable Version

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Dynamic Gate System - IceBilizard - 25.11.2015

Dynamic Gates System

Introduction: Hello This is my seconds filterscript i was getting bored so i create this script well there are a-lot of scripts for create gate system but this is one is really easy you can create gates with simple command you can edit the gate open/close/speed/password in game any time its really easy.

/creategate (It will open a dialog and show you a list of gates in last there is a option to add custom gate id you can put id of gate which you want).
/editgate (It will give you some options like: Open, Close, Speed, Password).
/destroygate (it will destroy a specific gate id).
/gate (It will open nearest gate else will give you message you are not near to any gate).
/nearestgate (It will show you the nearest gate id and object in 5.0 radius)
/gused (It will show all gates created in server).
/gotogate (it will teleport you to a specific id).

Video Tutorial:

Installation: Installation is not hard you have to put all files in correct directories which are given in package.


Re: Dynamic Gate System - Pottus - 25.11.2015

You used dini (bad practice) whatever but the real problem is that your script doesn't check if the player is actually editing a gate this will break any other filterscript that has OnPlayerEditDyanmicObject(). You also repeat code a shit load of times that does the same thing with different variables create one function with variable parameters and call it only once when required.

Re: Dynamic Gate System - IceBilizard - 26.11.2015

Originally Posted by Pottus
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You used dini (bad practice) whatever but the real problem is that your script doesn't check if the player is actually editing a gate this will break any other filterscript that has OnPlayerEditDyanmicObject(). You also repeat code a shit load of times that does the same thing with different variables create one function with variable parameters and call it only once when required.
Thanks for your comment but i think you didn't check the script properly there are 2 variable to check player is editing a gate and if you are gonna edit another gate then 1st gate variables will be reset and i am using it with 4 scripts in my server there are no problem with it.

Re: Dynamic Gate System - Adornil - 26.11.2015

Greate Job selvin!

Re: Dynamic Gate System - Pottus - 26.11.2015

There is no provisions at all in place look at the code.

public OnPlayerEditDynamicObject(playerid, objectid, response, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz)
	new idx = gGateEditID[playerid], string[128];
	if(response == EDIT_RESPONSE_UPDATE)
		SetDynamicObjectPos(objectid, x, y, z);
		SetDynamicObjectRot(objectid, rx, ry, rz);
Edit an object in a different script that uses OnPlayerEditDynamicObject() and this code will be called even if the object isn't a gate.

Re: Dynamic Gate System - ProDude - 14.12.2015

Nice Job Selvin

Re: Dynamic Gate System - N0FeaR - 04.03.2016

Great job!

Re: Dynamic Gate System - xXRevolverXx - 04.03.2016

Gj xD

Re: Dynamic Gate System - markparker12 - 04.03.2016

good job

Re: Dynamic Gate System - zulfi - 06.05.2016

Nice +rep and plx post the video in *******

Re: Dynamic Gate System - Radio - 08.05.2016

good job for beginners

Re: Dynamic Gate System - legendd - 08.05.2016

Good one, nice release

Re: Dynamic Gate System - thesuperuser - 11.05.2016

Decent work man,good one!

Re: Dynamic Gate System - SeanDenZYR - 26.07.2016

doesnt work D:

Re: Dynamic Gate System - Barnwell - 21.10.2016

Good Job!

Re: Dynamic Gate System - IceBilizard - 22.10.2016

Originally Posted by Kesh12
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when i /creategate list appear ut when i select no objects appear
You must re-compile the script with the streamer plugin which is given in package.

Re: Dynamic Gate System - jhonloyd20 - 22.10.2016

why when i use gate They open wrong T_T

Re: Dynamic Gate System - IceBilizard - 24.10.2016

You must create their opening and closing points with /editgate open [gateid] same as /editgate close [gateid]

Re: Dynamic Gate System - [G]am3r - 31.01.2017

Assigned Organizations means to set the gate for an organization(faction)

Re: Dynamic Gate System - [G]am3r - 01.02.2017

Please tell me....?