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Internet List Issue - Printable Version

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Internet List Issue - [rG]Cold - 16.11.2015

Recently I've opened a server hosted on a VPS and I've noticed that the server does not appear on the internet list of SA:MP.
I have the following settings in server.cfg:
query 1
announce 1
I've tested with sacnr monitor and the server shows up in there just not on the internet list.
What might cause this issue?

Re: Internet List Issue - Neavorce - 16.11.2015

Something went wrong with the SAMP's masterlist, It's not host/your fault.

Re: Internet List Issue - [rG]Cold - 16.11.2015

Oh alright,thanks for letting me know,do you have any idea for how long has this issue been there?

Re: Internet List Issue - Neavorce - 16.11.2015

I dont know actually, maybe more than a week as I see in some topic telling about this. I just noticed yesterday.