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What features would you like to see in a SA-MP CMS? - Printable Version

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What features would you like to see in a SA-MP CMS? - Antonio144 - 14.11.2015

Hello guys.

I've been given an assignment to make a simple CMS for a PHP course at my collage. I've done a simple SA-MP CMS in .NET last year. But It was too simple and didn't have much features (Basically CRUD), so this time I thought why not make a full fledged CMS for our favorite game? There are a few SA-MP CMS but I don't see them used anywhere. The problem might be that they are too 'static' for a CMS (no expandability, no styling without changing the core which would make updating a mess). I would like to change that.

The idea is to make, well, a wordpress for SA-MP. It would include features like posts, static pages, live maps, front end user profile, back-end admin interface, nifty scripts posted in the Tools section of the forum and ??

I'm here because of ??. I need you to tell me What features would you like to see in a SA-MP CMS?

For example:
*User registering on the site would register on the server and vise versa.
*RCON commands from the site in a more user-friendly way
*ecommerce (buying weapons, houses, miscellaneous stuff)

For this to be successful i hope to create an API that would allow the community to make themes and plugins. That is why WP is so popular, easy to use and well documented API that allows the expandability and theming of it.

For this to work smoothly I would need to make my own login and register system.
That's another question. What would be better: make my own admin system specifically designed for this CMS (More control, better compatibility, easier) or build a mechanism that would let end-user set existing table and attribute (column) names for the CMS to use (Username, money etc) (More prone to user errors, complicated setup for end-user, harder to implement, but it would be compatible with almost every server that uses MySql database)

Re: What features would you like to see in a SA-MP CMS? - Jay_ - 14.11.2015

I think you're misunderstanding the purpose of a CMS.

A Content Management System is there to allow the end user of a website control content. Add new blog posts, amend images, change text, create new pages, etc. without having to make changes to the back end code files and redeploy it.

Originally Posted by Antonio144
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Hello guys.
For example:
*User registering on the site would register on the server and vise versa.
*RCON commands from the site in a more user-friendly way
*ecommerce (buying weapons, houses, miscellaneous stuff)
These aren't features of a content management system.

Originally Posted by Antonio144
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The idea is to make, well, a wordpress for SA-MP. It would include features like posts, static pages, live maps, front end user profile, back-end admin interface, nifty scripts posted in the Tools section of the forum
Do you mean a wordpress theme? I'm confused here because it sounds like you're intending to build a bespoke CMS from scratch but then you go on to describe features that you could add to a wordpress theme...

Re: What features would you like to see in a SA-MP CMS? - Antonio144 - 14.11.2015

I understand the purpose of a CMS. Building a CMS is the assignment given to me but I want to expand on it. Making a CMS specifically for managing contend needed for a SAMP server website is to simple. Not a lot of content is needed for a SAMP server website. It wouldn't take me long to make it from scratch. Yes, it would fulfill all the requirements of the assignment and the project would be put in a folder with all the other projects that have no practical application.

The idea here is to create a web application that would allow a server administrator to easily deploy, customize, expand the websize and the player to expand their avatar outside of the SA-MP server.

For the lack of a better term a used CMS. The content in CMS is -- well everything, web site, server adn everything in between. I don't know yet what to call this. SAMP Web and server management system?