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how to do this :( - Printable Version

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how to do this :( - sanamalik400 - 09.11.2015

anyone know how to make a clickable textdraw menu like this pic.. +1 for helper
sorry for my bad english i hope u understand,,

Re: how to do this :( - MBilal - 09.11.2015


This will help you .

Re: how to do this :( - sanamalik400 - 09.11.2015

i know how to make textdraws,,i.want to say, how make.them.selectable and Preview model,

Re: how to do this :( - SecretBoss - 09.11.2015

Originally Posted by sanamalik400
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i know how to make textdraws,,i.want to say, how make.them.selectable and Preview model,
You can create some of in-game textdraw creators to create the design then you need to edit textdraws to make them working with preview colors etc.

It's not easy to be done, and I don't think you are experienced enough to do something like it sorry