SetSpawnInfo - Printable Version
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SetSpawnInfo -
rambalili2 - 03.11.2015
So I have this command for spawning after death but I want the spawn the player after death in that location
but he will be able to choose a different skin. how can i do that?
PHP код:
CMD:spawn(playerid, params[])
SetSpawnInfo(playerid, pBikers, 51, 254.5229,-1367.1545,53.1094,297.0670, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
return 1;
Re: SetSpawnInfo -
itsCody - 03.11.2015
Make a new variable or something like
PHP код:
new bool:JustDied[MAX_PLAYERS];
when the player dies set it to true
PHP код:
JustDied[playerid] = true;
and do something like?
PHP код:
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
if(killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
JustDied[playerid] = true;
return 1;
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
if(JustDied[playerid] == true)
Just remove SetPlayerSkin and insert your code for them to select a skin.
SetPlayerPos(playerid, 254.5229, -1367.1545, 53.1094);
SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 297.0670);
SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 51); // Biker Skin?
SetPlayerTeam(playerid, pBikers);
JustDied[playerid] = false;
return 1;
Re: SetSpawnInfo -
rambalili2 - 03.11.2015
I want it as a command tho
Re: SetSpawnInfo -
itsCody - 03.11.2015
Then do the same thing as OnPlayerSpawn but inside a command
PHP код:
CMD:spawn(playerid, params[])
if(JustDied[playerid] == true)
Just remove SetPlayerSkin and insert your code for them to select a skin.
SetPlayerPos(playerid, 254.5229, -1367.1545, 53.1094);
SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 297.0670);
SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 51); // Biker Skin?
SetPlayerTeam(playerid, pBikers);
JustDied[playerid] = false;
else SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Unable to process command");
return 1;
Re: SetSpawnInfo -
rambalili2 - 03.11.2015
Not working it do it instant.
Re: SetSpawnInfo -
itsCody - 03.11.2015
Honestly I don't even get your issue as your English seems a little off, but can you try and explain what you want done a little bit better?
Re: SetSpawnInfo -
rambalili2 - 03.11.2015
i have this command that when i do /spawn it will spawn me after i die in the location i set it to.
but it will spawn me with the skin i set it to.
I want it to spawn at this location but it will show up the skin menu and it will spawn me with the skin i chose
from the menu to that location.
Re: SetSpawnInfo -
itsCody - 03.11.2015
Then use something like mSelection to show the player several skins to select from when they respawn? Or create your own system.
Re: SetSpawnInfo -
rambalili2 - 03.11.2015
yeah but i want it before they spawn to choose a skin not when they spawn
Re: SetSpawnInfo -
Vince - 03.11.2015