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Help Please - Alpha000 - 02.11.2015

Hello Everyone.
I want to create a function which checks that if a player is in a specified area of south, east, west and north boundaries with specified land id( which that player owns)

For Example i tried here:

PHP код:
stock IsPlayerAtLand(playeridlandid)
FloatlandMinX == westFloatlandMiny == south;

I am sure its wrong can anyone help me with it?

Re: Help Please - AbyssMorgan - 02.11.2015

provide more information because this function is useless ~.~

you want to check the coordinates, or built areas ?

Re: Help Please - Alpha000 - 02.11.2015

built areas NOT IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint cuz when someone wants to edit its land he needs to in its boundaries.

Re: Help Please - AbyssMorgan - 02.11.2015

PHP код:
IsPlayerInDynamicArea(playeridareaidrecheck 0);

stock IsPointInArea(Float:x,Float:y,Float:z,Float:minx,Float:miny,Float:minz,Float:maxx,Float:maxy,Float:maxz){
>= minx && <= maxx) && (>= miny && <= maxy) && (>= minz && <= maxz)) return true;

Re: Help Please - Alpha000 - 03.11.2015

and what should i add in my command "IsPlayerInDynamicArea" OR "IsPointInArea"