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[FilterScript] Bank Robbery System with Checkpoints! - Printable Version

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Bank Robbery System with Checkpoints! - FreAkeD - 01.11.2015


This is a robbery script I discovered days ago on my old hard drive. I\'ve modified a lot, including adding things like the chance of starting a robbery. The system is a simple one and you can also add many other banks if you\'d like to!


This script requires streamer and zcmd


This system only has one command which is: /robbank



#define ROB_BANK_TIMER_TIME 20000 // 20000 milliseconds (20 seconds). Amount of time it takes for a bank robbery.
#define ROB_WAIT_TIMER_TIME 180000 // 180000 milliseconds (3 minutes). Amount of time a player has to wait to rob a bank again.

#define BANK_ROB_MINIMUM_CASH 10000 // $10,000. The robbery\'s minimum cash the player receives if the robbery was successful.
#define BANK_ROB_MAXIMUM_CASH 200000 // $200,000. The robbery\'s maximum cash the player receives if the robbery was successful.
Bank Location

The banks location is marked on the map (red dot)

Outside the bank there\'s a 3D Text label with the text \'Los Santos Bank.\' Simply enter the checkpoint and you\'ll be inside the bank!


imgur album



Re: Bank Robbery System with Checkpoints! - SpikY_ - 01.11.2015

Sounds good, Will test it.

Re: Bank Robbery System with Checkpoints! - FreAkeD - 01.11.2015

Originally Posted by SpikY_
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Sounds good, Will test it.
Thanks, let me know if you find anything wrong!

Re: Bank Robbery System with Checkpoints! - SecretBoss - 01.11.2015

Simple and nice, keep it up mate

You can also add more robberies to all LS city

Re: Bank Robbery System with Checkpoints! - FreAkeD - 02.11.2015

Originally Posted by SecretBoss
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Simple and nice, keep it up mate

You can also add more robberies to all LS city
Yes I was thinking about actually adding a bank in San Fierro and Las Venturas.

I\'ll maybe add a system where you can easily add your own bank if I have time.


Re: Bank Robbery System with Checkpoints! - N0FeaR - 20.11.2015

Well done, i like it!

Re: Bank Robbery System with Checkpoints! - Bolex_ - 21.11.2015

Simple and Nice

Re: Bank Robbery System with Checkpoints! - yvoms - 21.11.2015

[08:15:56] Error: Function not registered: \'CreateDynamicCP\'
[08:15:56] Error: Function not registered: \'CreateDynamic3DTextLabel\'
[08:15:56] Error: Function not registered: \'DestroyDynamicCP\'
[08:15:56] Error: Function not registered: \'DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel\'
[08:15:56] Error: Function not registered: \'IsPlayerInDynamicCP\'

Re: Bank Robbery System with Checkpoints! - FreAkeD - 22.11.2015

Originally Posted by yvoms
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[08:15:56] Error: Function not registered: \'CreateDynamicCP\'

[08:15:56] Error: Function not registered: \'CreateDynamic3DTextLabel\'

[08:15:56] Error: Function not registered: \'DestroyDynamicCP\'

[08:15:56] Error: Function not registered: \'DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel\'

[08:15:56] Error: Function not registered: \'IsPlayerInDynamicCP\'
You need the streamer plugin.