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help !!!! - Printable Version

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help !!!! - Yaniii - 31.10.2015

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[21:03:32] Server Plugins
[21:03:32] --------------
[21:03:32] Loading plugin:

> MySQL plugin R6 successfully loaded.

[21:03:32] Loaded.
[21:03:32] Loading plugin:

*** Streamer Plugin v2.7.8 by Incognito loaded ***

[21:03:32] Loaded.
[21:03:32] Loading plugin:
[21:03:32] >> plugin.TSConnector: v1.3 loaded.
[21:03:32] Loaded.
[21:03:32] Loading plugin:
[21:03:32] Loaded.
[21:03:32] Loaded 4 plugins.

[21:03:32] Filterscripts
[21:03:32] ---------------
[21:03:32] Loading filterscript 'mapping.amx'...
[21:03:32] Loaded 1 filterscripts.

[21:03:32] Error: Function not registered: 'GetConsoleVarAsBool'
[21:03:32] Error: Function not registered: 'GetConsoleVarAsInt'
[21:03:32] Error: Function not registered: 'GetConsoleVarAsString'
[21:03:32] Script[gamemodes/adrp.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[21:03:32] Number of vehicle models: 0

Re: help !!!! - YouServ - 01.11.2015

Update your server & gamemodes to 0.3.7

For update your gamemode you need to use the new includes of 0.3.7 and re-compiled your server.