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3DTextLabels stucked/attached on player - Printable Version

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3DTextLabels stucked/attached on player - SAMP bug? - Yousha - 31.10.2015

Wrong report.

Re: 3DTextLabels stucked/attached on player - Scottylad - 01.11.2015

Find the CreateDynamic3DTextLabel in the script and delete them or use DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel etc...

Re: 3DTextLabels stucked/attached on player - jlalt - 01.11.2015

You're creating label with out removing the old, create a label when player join and update it when you wana make it have deffrent text

Re: 3DTextLabels stucked/attached on player - Yousha - 01.11.2015

Thanks for reply,


Find the CreateDynamic3DTextLabel in the script and delete them



use DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel etc...

They are part of game, players need them... we should destroy them in OnGameModeExit...


You're creating label with out removing the old, create a label when player join and update it when you wana make it have deffrent text

What do you mean?
They are in "OnGameModeInit", they must be there. Not in OnPlayerConnect ofc