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Speedometer is lost. - Printable Version

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Speedometer is lost. - Supernovaa - 29.10.2015

I have a Speedometer but when i put new textdraw for the script, the Speedometer is lost.
Please somebody help.
Sorry for bad English.

Re: Speedometer is lost. - Ritzy2K - 29.10.2015

Providing some code will help lol.

Re: Speedometer is lost. - Supernovaa - 29.10.2015

public Speedometer()
 for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)

			new vehicleid, Float:health;
			new fstring[32], string[512];

			if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(i))
					vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(i);
					GetVehicleHealth(vehicleid, health);
					GetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective);

					string = "~w~";
					strcat(string, "~w~~h~Benzin: ~g~", sizeof(string));
					fstring = "iiiiiiiiii";
					if(Fuel[vehicleid] > 100.0) strins(fstring, "~r~", 10, sizeof(fstring));
					else if(Fuel[vehicleid] < 0.0) strins(fstring, "~r~", 0, sizeof(fstring));
					else strins(fstring, "~r~", floatround(Fuel[vehicleid]/10.0), sizeof(fstring));
					strcat(string, fstring, sizeof(string));
					strcat(string, "~n~~w~~h~", sizeof(string));
					if(GetPVarInt(i, "Speedo")) format(fstring,sizeof(fstring),"mph: ~w~%d", GetPlayerSpeed(i, false));
					else format(fstring,sizeof(fstring),"kph: ~w~%d", GetPlayerSpeed(i, true));
					strcat(string, fstring, sizeof(string));

					TextDrawSetString(SpeedoText[i], string);

Re: Speedometer is lost. - SecretBoss - 29.10.2015

Try to hide the textdraws when the player enter the car and he leaves show them again

Re: Speedometer is lost. - Supernovaa - 29.10.2015

That's not problem, because it's working.
My problem is: When i put, this script for the scriptfiles. = the speedometer doesn't work.

AW: Speedometer is lost. - Mencent - 29.10.2015


I think you reached the limit of the global textdraws.
Please change your speedometer-code (global textdraws -> player textdraws).

I give you the wiki page to look up for help.

Re: Speedometer is lost. - Supernovaa - 29.10.2015

How i can editing?

AW: Speedometer is lost. - Mencent - 29.10.2015

Here is a little example:
PHP код:
new Text:TextDraw;
TextDraw TextDrawCreate(450.0,230.0,"My textdraw");
// ^^ becomes:
new PlayerText:TextDraw[MAX_PLAYERS];
TextDraw[playerid] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid,450.0,230.0,"My textdraw");

Re: Speedometer is lost. - Supernovaa - 29.10.2015

Not working.

AW: Speedometer is lost. - Mencent - 29.10.2015

Can you show us your code, please?