I can't start my server (linux) -
Warlord - 26.10.2015
I already look everywhere... I used three methods ./samp03svr, ./samp03svr & and nohup ./samp03svr.
When I try to use the command it says no such file or directory.
Re: I can't start my server (linux) -
SoFahim - 26.10.2015
You are using a VPS? If yes great, make sure you have CD to that folder where contain SAMP03svr.
BTW, you in root user or other?
Re: I can't start my server (linux) -
Warlord - 26.10.2015
I did everything this guy said right here,
https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=327272. I cannot start the server. I made another user which I named "samp"
Re: I can't start my server (linux) -
SoFahim - 26.10.2015
If you can use root user that would be cool. Use root user. All problem will be fix.
Re: I can't start my server (linux) -
Warlord - 26.10.2015
Thank you for your help. I finally figured out how to fix it. +rep?
Re: I can't start my server (linux) -
SoFahim - 28.10.2015
If you cannot use root, then fix the permissions with chmod and other.
It would be dangerous if you use root. I have told that because I though you newbie about managing a VPS.
That would be cool if you use another user.
Re: I can't start my server (linux) -
Yousha - 28.10.2015
It's not about permis...
Are you using 64-bit Linux? which distro?
Re: I can't start my server (linux) -
MD5 - 28.10.2015
Originally Posted by SoFahim
If you cannot use root, then fix the permissions with chmod and other.
It would be dangerous if you use root. I have told that because I though you newbie about managing a VPS.
That would be cool if you use another user.
It's perfectly safe to run through root; just choose a hard password.
Re: I can't start my server (linux) -
nickdodd25 - 29.10.2015
Originally Posted by SoFahim
If you can use root user that would be cool. Use root user. All problem will be fix.
Originally Posted by MD5
It's perfectly safe to run through root; just choose a hard password.
This is literally the worse suggestions i have seen in a while. Never use root! You are just asking for problems when you do. Your better off creating a new user and giving them sudo and then disabling root.
And i know he said he has it fixed but i believe the issue is he was on a 64bit vps and he would need to install 32bit libs for it.
Re: I can't start my server (linux) -
Warlord - 29.10.2015
Nickdodd is right, It would be better if you'll use new user, root isn't really needed for running game servers. I already fixed it. I found out that I need to apt-get install update and install libs. +REP FOR EVERYBODY that tried to help.
For everyone that might encounter this in the future I fixed it using root user and by doing these
apt-get install update
sudo apt-get install apt-file
sudo apt-file update
sudo apt-file find libstdc++.so.6
sudo apt-get install libstdc++6
You need to use root to install updates After installing updates you can go back to normal user and run your server using nohup ./samp03svr to stop the server you can use killall samp03svr.