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why this not work - Printable Version

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why this not work - LovelySoomro - 24.10.2015

public OnVehicleDeath(vehicleid, killerid)
if(gTeam[killerid] == TEAM_GREEN)
if(AccInfo[killerid][tdm] == 1)
if(vehicleid == terroristheli)
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(GetPlayerTeam(i) == TEAM_GREEN)
SendClientMessage(i,LIGHTBLUE,"{0498FB}~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~");
SendClientMessage(i,LIGHTBLUE,"{00bfff}[NGP]: {FFFF00}Cops Save The helicopter every Cops team mate Get 5 Score 5000$ Rs/5!");
SendClientMessage(i,LIGHTBLUE,"{0498FB}~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~");
AccInfo[i][rupees] +=5;
GameTextForPlayer(i,"~y~5 Score~n~~g~5000$~n~~y~Rs/5",2000,1);
return 1;

Re: why this not work - Dusan01 - 24.10.2015

what plese for code use code tags, and pictures we cant see and idk wha is problm here, add debug(print) at that code and see where it stucks...

Re: why this not work - LovelySoomro - 24.10.2015


public OnVehicleDeath(vehicleid, killerid)
if(gTeam[killerid] == TEAM_GREEN)
if(AccInfo[killerid][tdm] == 1)
if(vehicleid == terroristheli)
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(GetPlayerTeam(i) == TEAM_GREEN)
SendClientMessage(i,LIGHTBLUE,"{0498FB}~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~");
SendClientMessage(i,LIGHTBLUE,"{00bfff}[NGP]: {FFFF00}Cops Save The helicopter every Cops team mate Get 5 Score 5000$ Rs/5!");
SendClientMessage(i,LIGHTBLUE,"{0498FB}~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~");
AccInfo[i][rupees] +=5;
GameTextForPlayer(i,"~y~5 Score~n~~g~5000$~n~~y~Rs/5",2000,1);
return 1;

when cops destroy the heli cops dont get score rupees and cash And also thats message

Re: why this not work - LovelySoomro - 24.10.2015

plz help

Re : why this not work - StreetRP - 24.10.2015

Explain more

Re: why this not work - ATGOggy - 24.10.2015

Missed a bracket in the first if.