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./samp03svr doesn't start the server (debian7) - Printable Version

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./samp03svr doesn't start the server (debian7) - Sus-Pets - 23.10.2015

I've been trying to launch my server under Debian 7, I installed the lib32 bcuz i'm x64, edited my server.cfg, changed CHMOD to 700 for the concerned files, everything shoud work .. But when I do "nohup ./samp03svr &" it says
root@MyServer:~/samp03# nohup: ignoring input and appending output to `nohup.out'

[3]- Done nohup ./samp03svr

And when I just type "./samp03svr & "it just says: "[2] 18433"

Do someone know how to resolve this ? Thanks a lot in advance

Re: ./samp03svr doesn't start the server (debian7) - Danzou - 24.10.2015

is not a error. Maybe this helps you!
______________________________ / post your server_log.

Re: ./samp03svr doesn't start the server (debian7) - Rodri99 - 27.10.2015

Install the VPS on Centos 6 32 bit, this is the best on linux for SA:MP

Re: ./samp03svr doesn't start the server (debian7) - aymel - 27.10.2015

Originally Posted by Rodri99
Посмотреть сообщение
Install the VPS on Centos 6 32 bit, this is the best on linux for SA:MP
Says who?

Re: ./samp03svr doesn't start the server (debian7) - Warlord - 27.10.2015

Originally Posted by Rodri99
Посмотреть сообщение
Install the VPS on Centos 6 32 bit, this is the best on linux for SA:MP
Ubuntu is.

On topic
I encountered this problem too, I dont know how did I manage to sort it out but uhhh -- One day I just started it without having errors. I recommend that you restart your vps.

Re: ./samp03svr doesn't start the server (debian7) - Sublime - 30.10.2015


Does the SA:MP server work for you when you type that command?

Re: ./samp03svr doesn't start the server (debian7) - YouServ - 01.11.2015

Je te le fais en franзais :

Dйjа change pas les permissions des fichiers c'est mauvais et зa te donnera des erreurs.
Exйcute la liste des commandes suivantes :

tar -xvzf samp037svr_R2-1.tar.gz
cd samp03


apt-get install lib32stdc++6
apt-get update
Ensuite ton serveur se lancera (sauf si tu as une erreur et donc tu vйrifieras dans server_log.txt).