Help needed + reward. - Printable Version
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Help needed + reward. -
Tixxt - 22.10.2015
Hey guys!
I need someone that can script a multiple spawnpoint script in my GM pawn files. I just have one spawnpoint now. I just cant do it myself so i need someone who know how to do it...
I will pay 5$ ( paypall ) for it. I know its more than i should probably pay for it. But i just cant find somone to do it.
PM me or leave a mess if you can help me.
Re: Help needed + reward. -
fuckingcruse - 22.10.2015
I am here.. i can do it for you. my skype : sabisticot
AW: Help needed + reward. -
Kaliber - 22.10.2015
Actually it is very easy.
PHP код:
stock const Float:spawns[][3] = {
{0.0, 0.0, 0.0},
{3102.0, 3102.0, 3102.0}
//Just fill here all x,y,z coords
//Then under OnPlayerSpawn
new idx = pInfo[playerid][Spawn];
You create the Spawn index in your PlayerInfo Array.
Then you can set it from 0 to x (x=the amount of indexes in the spawn array)
Here you set the player to the x,y,z coords you put in the array.