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SA:MP Skin List - Printable Version

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SA:MP Skin List - Smithy - 21.10.2015

Would just like to let you all know of, a website that has the highest resolution versions of each playable skin than most sites. May be useful to some, see below:


Re: SA:MP Skin List - MpK - 21.10.2015

It would be nice to have the skins of 300-311 in the list

Re: SA:MP Skin List - Smithy - 21.10.2015

Originally Posted by MpK
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It would be nice to have the skins of 300-311 in the list
I shall add them later for you!

Re: SA:MP Skin List - Warlord - 22.10.2015

Some skins looks like edited version (not the original skin you can see).

Re: SA:MP Skin List - Romz - 22.10.2015

Why create a bike?

Use the original:

Re: SA:MP Skin List - Smithy - 22.10.2015

Originally Posted by Kolstin
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Why create a bike?

Use the original:
Terrible analogy. That's like saying why make a car as Ford made one. Competition, thinking you can do better, lots of different reasons.

GTAStuff skins are higher resolution, clearer, easier to read, on a more functional website, etc.

Re: SA:MP Skin List - DionCole - 07.11.2015

Thanks man.

Re: SA:MP Skin List - MyDoggie - 15.11.2015

Thank you very much!

Re: SA:MP Skin List - AbyssMorgan - 15.11.2015

Replace Information for Skin, Weapon, Vehicle

Re: SA:MP Skin List - DRUNKY - 15.11.2015
