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Problem/bug GM - Printable Version

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Problem/bug GM - ScripterJNK - 17.10.2015

Video Bug / problem:*********

Why not let me move, just let me press ESC after 1 second?
And not only me, the more player on the server ...
Help me, please ...

Re: Problem/bug GM - alexanderjb918 - 17.10.2015

From what I am seeing its a messed up clickable textdraw and its not closing..

Re: Problem/bug GM - ScripterJNK - 17.10.2015

How can I fix the problem? It's Gamemode think they have more players.

Re: Problem/bug GM - ScripterJNK - 17.10.2015

UP !

Re: Problem/bug GM - HyperNova - 18.10.2015

Can You Tell Me The Bug?