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Getting Camera Rotation from FrontVector - Printable Version

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Getting Camera Rotation from FrontVector - Spmn - 16.10.2015

I've just reverse-engineered an aimbot cheat and I'm trying to develop a detection tool. Everything went fine until I ran into trigonometry.

I want to get players' Camera Rotation X. (GTA SA Address: 0xB6F258) After some testing, I found out that Cam Rot X is however proportional to GetPlayerCameraFrontVector X and Y Pos.

Any info or snippets are welcomed.

Edit: This and this are what I'm looking for. (delete these links if they are against the rules)

Edit 2: I used this function:
Float: GetPlayerCameraFacingAngle(playerid) // Pottus
    new Float: vX, Float: vY;
    if(GetPlayerCameraFrontVector(playerid, vX, vY, Float: playerid))
        if((vX = -atan2(vX, vY)) < 0.0) return vX + 360.0;
        return vX;
    return 0.0;
to calculate camera facing angle from Cam Rot X and I found something nice:

Cam Rot X = -PI/2 => Camera Facing Angle = 0
Cam Rot X = 0.0 => Camera Facing Angle = 90
Cam Rot X = PI/2 => Camera Facing Angle = 180
Cam Rot X = PI => Camera Facing Angle = 270

Edit 3:

Finally resolved it thanks to Hiddos:

Hiddos: Subtract 90 from the facing angle
Hiddos: Then multiply it with pi/180

Re: Getting Camera Rotation from FrontVector - Spmn - 17.10.2015

I was wrong. After more testing, I found out that Cam Rot X is not dependent to Facing Angle, but to Front Vector X and Y Pos. Also, it looks like Cam Rot X goes from (-pi; +pi)

Re: Getting Camera Rotation from FrontVector - AbyssMorgan - 17.10.2015

Here you have a collection point in front of you if you come in handy