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BiG BuG in the saves - Printable Version

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BiG BuG in the saves - AdiRoS - 12.10.2015

i have old RolePlay mode.
When i starting to play i need to register after i quit and i back i need register again
its not saving the Users, Houses, Bizznese and all things.
i have the command "/saveserver" she need to save the all things but he server drops

code of the command:

and the register&login:

Re: BiG BuG in the saves - AdiRoS - 13.10.2015


Re: BiG BuG in the saves - A7X_CEEJAY - 13.10.2015

Check that when you register, it's actually saving the file; because from the sounds of it- it isn't.

Find out (I can't remember where) the folder in which it's meant to make the userfiles, if it doesn't exist - create it

I'll look through the code to see if I can find out where