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[HELP] runtime error 7: stack underflow - Printable Version

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[HELP] runtime error 7: stack underflow - Luca12 - 12.10.2015

So like in title says I get that error in this public

pawn Код:
forward AutoSkolaProvjeraBrzina();
public AutoSkolaProvjeraBrzina()
            if(GetPlayerSpeed(i) > 120.0 && hPolaganje[i] > 0)
                SendClientMessage(i,SVIJETLOPLAVA,"Instruktor Vozackog: Prekoracili ste dozvoljenu brzinu od 120 km/h!");
                SendClientMessage(i,SVIJETLOPLAVA,"Instruktor Vozackog: Upisan vam je jos jedan kazneni bod, upamtite ukoliko budete imali 3 kaznena boda padate vozacki ispit!");
    return 1;

Re: [HELP] runtime error 7: stack underflow - SpikY_ - 12.10.2015

Do you get any warnings when compiling?