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Time countdown - Printable Version

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Time countdown - Fantje - 10.10.2015

Heey guys,

I need some help with a countdown. So it countdown from 05:00 to 00:00 ( minutes ).



Re: Time countdown - AbyssMorgan - 10.10.2015

I have already written how to do

Re: Time countdown - Fantje - 10.10.2015

Originally Posted by AbyssMorgan
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It don't really work. It starts from -1:40 and when that times up, it starts from -3:00. really wierd xd

Re: Time countdown - AbyssMorgan - 10.10.2015

because I said that the start value is 0 and no 300

Re: Time countdown - Fantje - 10.10.2015

Originally Posted by AbyssMorgan
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because I said that the start value is 0 and no 300
So how to fix?

Re: Time countdown - AbyssMorgan - 10.10.2015

START: timecnt = 0, timestop = 300

every second:
PHP код:
timecnt++; // 1 2 3 4 ... 300
new timessektimesmin;
timesmin = ((timestop-timecnt)/60);
timessek = (timestop-(timecnt+(timesmin*60)));
format(buffer,sizeof buffer,"%02d:%02d",timesmin,timessek);
//show time
if(timecnt == timestop){
//The End
timecnt 0//reset

//edit: despite counting upwards, it shows the time down: 5:00 4:59 ... 0:00

countup, time down

Re: Time countdown - Fantje - 10.10.2015

Originally Posted by AbyssMorgan
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START: timecnt = 0, timestop = 300

every second:
PHP код:
timecnt++; // 1 2 3 4 ... 300
new timessektimesmin;
timesmin = ((timestop-timecnt)/60);
timessek = (timestop-(timecnt+(timesmin*60)));
format(buffer,sizeof buffer,"%02d:%02d",timesmin,timessek);
//show time
if(timecnt == timestop){
//The End
timecnt 0//reset

//edit: despite counting upwards, it shows the time down: 5:00 4:59 ... 0:00

countup, time down
Okay it works but the only problem is that I can't kill the timer. But I have to kill it so how?

Re: Time countdown - AbyssMorgan - 10.10.2015

PHP код:
new mytimer;

mytimer SetTimer("CountDownTimer"10001);  


Re: Time countdown - Fantje - 10.10.2015

Originally Posted by AbyssMorgan
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PHP код:
new mytimer;
mytimer SetTimer("CountDownTimer"10001);  
Okay that works. Now: The timer works and stops at 00:00 and then the server restarts (SendRconCommand(changemode) and when the new mission starts the timer won't show up. When I type rcon reloadfs ASystemv1 it shows up. ( Yes my timer is in a admin system ).

Re: Time countdown - Fantje - 10.10.2015

Anyone fix for ast problem?