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dialog (DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS) - Printable Version

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dialog (DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS) - SukMathcuck - 08.10.2015

I could not solve, when you add this dialogue in my pwn command warns that the program has stopped responding and I can not solve, I used the tutorial sa-mp wiki, but it did not work! help me? please?

Re: dialog (DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS) - SukMathcuck - 08.10.2015


Re: dialog (DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS) - jlalt - 08.10.2015

you have to use format at this case and strcat would help much too

PHP код:
   format(string,sizeof(string),"Equipe\tL?der\n\1 - {8080FF}Pol?cia Militar 1?\t{FFFFFF}%s\n\2 - {616161}Pol?cia Civil\t{FFFFFF}%s\n\3 - {9ACD32}Exйrcito\t{FFFFFF}%s\n\4 - {F2667D}Mйdicos\t{FFFFFF}%s\n\5 - {01FCFF}Los Aztecas\t{FFFFFF}%s\n\6 - {8D6E63}GRI\t{FFFFFF}%s\n\7 - {5f4baf}Governo\t{FFFFFF}%s\n\8 - {969696}Hitmans\t{FFFFFF}%s",
InfoOrg[1][Lider], InfoOrg[2][Lider], InfoOrg[3][Lider], InfoOrg[4][Lider], InfoOrg[5][Lider], InfoOrg[6][Lider], InfoOrg[7][Lider], InfoOrg[8][Lider]);
format(string,sizeof(string),"\n\9 - {FFA500}San News\t{FFFFFF}%s\n\10 - {FFFFFF}Vazio\t%s\n\11 - {8080FF}Pol?cia Militar 2?\t{FFFFFF}%s\n\12 - {FFC801}Los Santos Vagos\t{FFFFFF}%s\n\13 - {FFFFFF}Vazio\t%s\n\14 - {C62828}Asphalt King\t{FFFFFF}%s\n\15 - {008000}Grove Street\t{FFFFFF}%s\n\16 - {D900D3}Front Yard Ballas\t{FFFFFF}%s\n\17 - {38b7bd}Ground King\t{FFFFFF}%s",
InfoOrg[9][Lider], InfoOrg[10][Lider], InfoOrg[11][Lider],InfoOrg[12][Lider], InfoOrg[13][Lider], InfoOrg[14][Lider], InfoOrg[15][Lider], InfoOrg[16][Lider], InfoOrg[17][Lider]);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid0DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS"Lista de l?deres nas organizaз?es"content"Confirmar","Fechar");