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Preparing Gamemode Cant start server - Printable Version

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Preparing Gamemode Cant start server - Alpha000 - 06.10.2015

I cant start my script.
here are the server logs....

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[18:55:02] password = "" (string)
[18:55:02] Server Plugins
[18:55:02] --------------
[18:55:02] Loading plugin:

[18:55:02] ===============================

[18:55:02] sscanf plugin loaded.

[18:55:02] Version: 2.8.1

[18:55:02] © 2012 Alex "******" Cole

[18:55:02] ===============================

[18:55:02] Loaded.
[18:55:02] Loading plugin:

*** Streamer Plugin v2.7.8 by Incognito loaded ***

[18:55:02] Loaded.
[18:55:02] Loading plugin:
[18:55:02] >> plugin.mysql: R39-3 successfully loaded.
[18:55:02] Loaded.
[18:55:02] Loading plugin:
[18:55:02] ==================
[18:55:02] Whirlpool loaded
[18:55:02] ==================
[18:55:02] Loaded.
[18:55:02] Loading plugin:
[18:55:02] Loaded.
[18:55:02] Loaded 5 plugins.

[18:55:02] Ban list
[18:55:02] --------
[18:55:02] Loaded: samp.ban
[18:55:02] Filterscripts
[18:55:02] ---------------
[18:55:02] Loading filterscript 'UltraHost.amx'...
[18:55:02] Loaded 1 filterscripts.

[18:55:04] =======================================
[18:55:04] | |
[18:55:04] | YSI version 3.01.0002 |
[18:55:04] | By Alex "******" Cole |
[18:55:04] | |
[18:55:04] =======================================
[18:55:04] Preparing the gamemode, please wait...

please i need serious help.. Thanks in advance

Re: Preparing Gamemode Cant start server - Fairuz - 06.10.2015

You just have to wait..

Re: Preparing Gamemode Cant start server - Alpha000 - 07.10.2015

how? server restarts again and again and all time shows this

Re: Preparing Gamemode Cant start server - FrAnKiN1 - 07.10.2015

You have to wait if it not working then there is something wrong in the gamemode

Re: Preparing Gamemode Cant start server - Morpheine - 10.10.2015

Use CrashDetect to detect the problem.

Re: Preparing Gamemode Cant start server - MojorX - 10.10.2015

i can give Crashdetect just pm me i will send it

Re: Preparing Gamemode Cant start server - Furqan - 10.10.2015

Did you set the mysql.cfg, does it say server shutting it down?

Re: Preparing Gamemode Cant start server - BurnZ - 12.10.2015

Ultra-h free is a noob host. Maybe that is the problem. Also, use crashdetect and all the latest plugins, try re-compiling your script as well.

Re: Preparing Gamemode Cant start server - SoldierX - 12.10.2015

1) Try on Local host to make sure it isn't the host's problem.
2) Check and Fix your Gamemode.
3) Update Plugins and Includes ( Noob Advice, But it's usually a problem )

Re: Preparing Gamemode Cant start server - Alpha000 - 17.10.2015

okay thanks for help