Centos6 small help - Printable Version
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Centos6 small help -
Face9000 - 03.10.2015
Hello, in my gamemode im using EasyMysql include (
https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=590310) which requires the latest mysql plugin by Blueg's. I'm using R39-2 and in my server log i get this:
[05:46:27] Failed (libmysqlclient_r.so.16: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
And the mysql plugin doesnt get loaded. I tried the static version but same. Is there a way to fix this?
I'm running CentOS6 in my VPS.
Re: Centos6 small help -
LazyB0y - 03.10.2015
Did you copied libmysql too?
Re: Centos6 small help -
MrDiase - 06.10.2015
yum install mysql
Maybe this can also solve your problem
Re: Centos6 small help -
Fairuz - 06.10.2015
Use static version
EDIT:i didn't noticed that it's 3 days ago..
Re: Centos6 small help -
lolumadd_ - 06.10.2015
CentOS is weird with MySQL plugins. Here is a compiled version of R6-2 CentOS:
(It may only work for Centos5, I'm not sure)
Also, make sure you have libmysqlclient.so.15 in SA-MP root:
Re: Centos6 small help -
Face9000 - 06.10.2015
Thanks for help but i removed Centos and installed Debian 7