[++REP] Problem with command! - Printable Version
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[++REP] Problem with command! -
norton2 - 03.10.2015
Hi, I have a problem with /v. Sometimes it works, sometimes I say, "You not have a vehicles.".
CMD:v(playerid, params [])
new bool:found = false, msg[356], lst[19];
msg = "Name\tStatus\tPlate";
for(new i = 1, j = GetVehiclePoolSize(); i <= j; i++)
if(Veh[i][Owner] == pInfo[playerid][pID])
found = true;
if(Veh[i][Lock] == 0) { lst = "{00BA19}Unlocked"; }
else if(Veh[i][Lock] == 1) { lst = "{BD0000}Locked"; }
format(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s\n%s\t%s\t%s", msg, g_VehicleNames[GetVehicleModel(Veh[i][ServerID])-400], lst, Veh[i][Plate]);
if(found) { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_V, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, "My Vehicles", msg, "Select", "Cancel"); }
else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_DARKGRAY, "You not have a vehicles."); }
return 1;
Re: [++REP] Problem with command! -
Thomaske - 03.10.2015
you need to checkout if this line is getting his values correct:
if(Veh[i][Owner] == pInfo[playerid][pID])
if the 2 numbers are not the same you get the message "You not have a vehicles."
So in the first place you need to debugg that.
second one is that the found fails his value, but i don't think thats the problem.
Re: [++REP] Problem with command! -
faff - 03.10.2015
I hope you ain't writing a gamemode using those grammar skills.
Re: [++REP] Problem with command! -
norton2 - 03.10.2015
Thank you Thomaske.