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[FilterScript] GAdmin System V3 - Printable Version

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GAdmin System V3 - Iceblizard - 29.09.2015

Old V GAdmin
GAdmin by Gammix

GAdmin Pre-Release (New Version with small update) Permission Granted from Gammix
First, GAdmin was released by Gammix (the original author). After Discussing with Gammix, I officially I will make another version of GAdmin To make it updated as well. The new version will be GAdmin v2.3.3 It officially has the old feature with some new upgraded Features

1.Advance AKA system
2.Admin chat for different levels ('!', '@', '#')
3.Totally scripted BAN system (temp ban, permanent ban, ip ban, range ban)
4.Textdraws for spectating (update after every 1 second)
5.SHA/Whirlpool/PAWN-BASED password hashing
6.I-ZCMD fastest command processor
7.Fast and easy database using easydb(SQLITE)
8.Complete ban system: /ban, /unban, /searchban, /banip, /unbanip, /searchipban, /oban
9.With temp ban integrated within the commands: /ban and /banip.
10.Now offline ban system, use /oban
11.Dialogs based, from login and register to BANs.
12.Save stats and load perfectly:
15.last visit
16.admin level level
21.Per user based auto logging
22.Fine colour combination for admin messages and ...Server rules management system
23.Anti swear (Updated)
24.Anti spam
25.Anti flooding
26.Forbidden names
27.Forbidden words With more words to keep server free from racism
28.Forbidden part of names/tags
29.Private message system: /pm, /reply, /nopm
30.Enable/Disable script function via macros
31.Admin Immune system, higher level is immune to lower level in every case, commands
32.Report textdraws
33.Reports log for admins, /reports in dialog
34.Warning system; with max warns kick system
35.Jail, Mute, CMDMute, system with timers
All are necessary commands
36.Dialogs based lists for checking Muted, Jailed and CMDMuted players
37.Dialogs based admins and donors list
38.Admin duty system
39.Spectate system
40. Quiet advance spectate system with camera freeze
Camera freeze; like a player dies, normal spectate system will set your camera to hat ugly default spec screen but my include will freeze the camera where th player died and redirect when he/she spawn! (there is lot more than that)
An super include to completely access GAdmin from other platforms using
Vehicle tune dialog, with all kinds of tuning possible in SAMP; stable tunning, crash free
Report in dialogs (saves as many lines you want)
A very easy admin system configuration (on top of script)
In game object editor
In game pickup editor
All necessary give all commands like: /giveallscore, /giveallmoney...
Fake commands, chat and deaths
Teleports list in dialog
TOPs list: Richlist and Scorelist
LAG Free
BUG Free

41.*NEW- Added a several commands to help the server

using /helpmsg01,/helpmsg02,/helpmsg03.

Level 5 Can use /fakeban now
Edited Several Texts- Made them very easy & understandable for players.
And admins will get New weapons on /aduty And Yes /onduty changed to /aduty

And in the script several BadWords were given. Add those and those words will be replaced by ''*'' (stars) And ofcoure lots of More !! and yes its just a small update & to keep it updated

Player Commands
/admins, /vips, /report, /pm, /reply, /nopm, /stats, /register, /login, /changename, /changepass, /autologin, /savestats, /time, /id, /richlist, /scorelist
Level 1 Commands
/acmds, /weaps, /onduty, /reports, /repair, /addnos, /warn, /rewarn, /spec, /specoff, /flip, /ip, /goto, /setweather, /settime, /ann, /kick, /asay, /spawn , /helpmsg01 , /helpmsg02 ,/helpmsg03
Level 2
/jetpack, /aweaps, /show, /muted, /jailed, /carhealth, /eject, /carpaint, /carcolor, /givecar, /car, /akill, /jail, /unjail, /mute, /unmute, /setskin, /cc, /heal, /armour, /setinterior, /setworld, /explode, /disarm, /tune, /ban, /oban, /searchban, /searchipban, /searchrangeban, /unban, /atele, /ann2, /aka
Level 3
/get, /write, /force, /healall, /armourall, /fightstyle, /sethealth, /setarmour, /destroycar, /agod, /resetcash, /getall, /freeze, /unfreeze, /giveweapon, /slap, /setcolor, /setcash, /setscore, /givecash, /givescore, /respawncar, /setkills, /setdeaths, /banip, /unbanip, /freezeall, /unfreezeall
Level 4
"/fakedeath, /cmdmuted, /cmdmute, /uncmdmute, /killall, /ejectall, /disarmall, /muteall, /unmuteall, /giveallscore, /giveallcash, /setalltime, /setallweather, /respawncars, /clearwindow, /giveallweapon, /object, /destroyobject, /editobject, /banrange, /unbanrange
Level 5+
/gmx, /removeuser, /fakecmd, /fakeban, /fakechat, /setlevel, /setvip, /forbidname, /forbidtag, /forbidword, /pickup, /destroypickup, /reloaddb

Name Link
Sscanf2 plugin
Easydb inlcude
I-ZCMD include
Timestamptodate include
Streamer plugin

There is no need for creating GAdmin folder, only one .db file is created in scriptfiles and its automatically created. But if you have edited the location, then adjust accordingly.

GAdmin V3
Includes were same
native GAdmin_VerifyColumn(const column[], DB::e_COLUMN_TYPES:type);
native GAdmin_IsValidPlayer(playerid, username[] = "");
native GAdmin_GetPlayerInt(playerid, const column[], username[] = "");
native Float:GAdmin_GetPlayerFloat(playerid, const column[], username[] = "");
native GAdmin_GetPlayerString(playerid, const column[], str[], len = sizeof(str), username[] = "");
native GAdmin_SetPlayerInt(playerid, const column[], set, username[] = "");
native GAdmin_SetPlayerFloat(playerid, const column[], Float:set, username[] = "");
native GAdmin_SetPlayerString(playerid, const column[], str[], len = sizeof(str), username[] = "");
native GAdmin_IsPlayerAdmin(playerid, username[] = "");
native GAdmin_IsPlayerVip(playerid, username[] = "");
native GAdmin_IsPlayerRegistered(playerid, username[] = "");
native GAdmin_IsPlayerLoggedIn(playerid, username[] = "");
native GAdmin_IsPlayerGuest(playerid, username[] = "");
native GAdmin_IsPlayerMuted(playerid, username[] = "");
native GAdmin_IsPlayerCMDMuted(playerid, username[] = "");
native GAdmin_IsPlayerJailed(playerid, username[] = "");
native GAdmin_IsPlayerGod(playerid, username[] = "");
native GAdmin_IsPlayerOnDuty(playerid, username[] = "");
native GAdmin_IsPlayerDND(playerid, username[] = "");
Call backs

public GAdmin_OnPlayerRegister(playerid)
public GAdmin_OnPlayerLogin(playerid)
public GAdmin_OnPlayerGuest(playerid)
public GAdmin_OnPlayerLogout(playerid)

Download links

Media Fire GAdmin
GAdmin V2.3.3
Media Fire AMX FILE
GAdmin V2.3.3 AMX

Solid Files
GAdmin V2.3.3

Note-Solid Files dosent consist AMX file.

Re: GAdmin System V3 - SecretBoss - 29.09.2015

You don't have the rights to post this

Re: GAdmin System V3 - Iceblizard - 29.09.2015

Originally Posted by SecretBoss
Посмотреть сообщение
You don't have the rights to post this
Talked with Gammix, Permission granted

Re: GAdmin System V3 - SecretBoss - 29.09.2015

Originally Posted by Iceblizard
Посмотреть сообщение
Talked with Gammix, Permission granted
Then you MUST post this otherwise beta testers will remove it (Words are just words)

Re: GAdmin System V3 - Iceblizard - 29.09.2015

Originally Posted by SecretBoss
Посмотреть сообщение
Then you MUST post this otherwise beta testers will remove it (Words are just words)
Edited & added ty

Re: GAdmin System V3 - timsar - 29.09.2015

What changes do you have?

Re: GAdmin System V3 - Mikael22 - 29.09.2015

link me file amx please !

Re: GAdmin System V3 - Iceblizard - 30.09.2015

Originally Posted by timsar
Посмотреть сообщение
What changes do you have?
In the filterscript,added a pack of bad words so you can forbid it easily
Changed command names
Now Onduty admins get new weapons

And ofcourse small update it is

And mikael the AMX File download link

Re: GAdmin System V3 - YangZetao - 01.10.2015

Well down!

Re: GAdmin System V3 - SecretBoss - 01.10.2015

Still can't understand why Gammix gave you the permission to continue this, you don't even know how to script, do not download and base on this filterscript, use the original one its much better