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Filescripts Antiddos please !! - Printable Version

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Filescripts Antiddos please !! - skiplovebra - 20.09.2015

This is my code a little searching on the Internet and write another useful someone can see it is correct and what needs further ?? Here is the code by writing and his Markoni added
#include <a_samp>
#include <FileFunctions>

#define ATTACK_TYPE_IP 2

new File:ServerLogFile;
new addostimer;

	print("| Anti DDOS Attack   © 2013      |");
	print("|            by Markoni            |");

public OnFilterScriptInit()
	ServerLogFile = fileOpen("server_log.txt", io_Read);
	addostimer = SetTimer("AntiDDoS", 100, true);
	return 1;

public OnFilterScriptExit()
	return 1;

forward AntiDDoS();
public AntiDDoS()
		print("DDosProtect FS: Error opening server_log.txt!");
		new string[128];
		new strarr[2][20];
		fileSeek(ServerLogFile, -128, seek_End);
		while(fileRead(ServerLogFile, string)){}// только последнюю строку

		new pos = strfind(string, "Invalid client connecting from ", true, 10);
		if(pos == 11)
			OnDDosAttackAttempt(ATTACK_TYPE_IP, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, string[pos+31]);

		pos = strfind(string, "Warning: /rcon command exploit from: ", true, 10);
		if(pos == 11){
			split(string[pos+37], strarr, ':');
			OnDDosAttackAttempt(ATTACK_TYPE_PLAYERID, strval(strarr[0]), strarr[1]);

		pos = strfind(string, "Warning: PlayerDialogResponse PlayerId: ", true, 10);
		if(pos == 11){
			// Бывают случаи ложного срабатывания, реакция не на первое срабатывание
			new idx = 0;
			new plid = strval(strtok(string[pos+39], idx));
			SetPVarInt(plid, "dialogDDosAtt", GetPVarInt(plid, "dialogDDosAtt")+1);
			if(GetPVarInt(plid, "dialogDDosAtt") > 2)OnDDosAttackAttempt(ATTACK_TYPE_PLAYERID, plid, " ");

		pos = strfind(string, "Warning: PlayerDialogResponse crash exploit from PlayerId: ", true, 10);
		if(pos == 11){
			new idx = 0;
			OnDDosAttackAttempt(ATTACK_TYPE_PLAYERID, strval(strtok(string[pos+59], idx)), " ");

		pos = strfind(string, "Packet was modified, sent by id: ", true, 10);
		if(pos == 11){
		    split(string[pos+33], strarr, ',');
			OnDDosAttackAttempt(ATTACK_TYPE_PLAYERID, strval(strarr[0]), " ");

		pos = strfind(string, "Remote Port Refused for Player: ", true, 10);
		if(pos == 11){
			new idx = 0;
			OnDDosAttackAttempt(ATTACK_TYPE_PLAYERID, strval(strtok(string[pos+32], idx)), " ");

		if(strfind(string, " due to a 'server full' attack") != -1)
			pos = strfind(string, "Blocking ", true, 10);
			if(pos == 12)
				new idx = 0;
				OnDDosAttackAttempt(ATTACK_TYPE_IP, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, strtok(string[pos+9], idx));

forward OnDDosAttackAttempt(type, playerid, ip[]);
public OnDDosAttackAttempt(type, playerid, ip[])
    new string[128];
	{//block a playerid
		BanEx(playerid, "DDOS protect");
		printf("DDosProtect FS: Blocked attack from playerid %d", playerid);

	}else if(type == ATTACK_TYPE_IP)
	{//block an ip address
        format(string, sizeof(string), "banip %s", ip);
		printf("DDosProtect FS: Blocked attack from ip: %s", ip);
	// printf лучше не удалять, чтобы не вызвать повторного срабатывания

stock strtok(const string[], &index)
	new length = strlen(string);
	while ((index < length) && (string[index] <= ' '))

	new offset = index;
	new result[20];
	while ((index < length) && (string[index] > ' ') && ((index - offset) < (sizeof(result) - 1)))
		result[index - offset] = string[index];
	result[index - offset] = EOS;
	return result;

stock split(const strsrc[], strdest[][], delimiter)
	new i, li;
	new aNum;
	new len;
	while(i <= strlen(strsrc)){
		if(strsrc[i]==delimiter || i==strlen(strsrc)){
			len = strmid(strdest[aNum], strsrc, li, i, 128);
			strdest[aNum][len] = 0;
			li = i+1;
	return 1;

// © MazaHACKa;

Re: Filescripts Antiddos please !! - M0HAMMAD - 20.09.2015

if your getting ddos add a port on your vps like: IP:PORT and install anti ddos on your vps.
it's better !

Re: Filescripts Antiddos please !! - skiplovebra - 20.09.2015

Originally Posted by M0HAMMAD
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if your getting ddos add a port on your vps like: IP:PORT and install anti ddos on your vps.
it's better !
reviews you say I do not understand?

Re : Filescripts Antiddos please !! - KillerDVX - 20.09.2015

A filterscript cannot stop DDOS, as M0HAMMAD said, you should add more farewall to your vps to lower the attacks.

Re: Filescripts Antiddos please !! - Lordzy - 20.09.2015

Purchase a DDoS protected VPS or game-server, this filterscript won't help you get rid of DDoS attacks.

Re: Filescripts Antiddos please !! - skiplovebra - 20.09.2015

There are many anti-DDoS server in Vietnam by filescripts very effective.

Re : Filescripts Antiddos please !! - KillerDVX - 20.09.2015

No, how could a filterscript protect your server dude ?

Re: Re : Filescripts Antiddos please !! - skiplovebra - 20.09.2015

Originally Posted by KillerDVX
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No, how could a filterscript protect your server dude ?
Since their servers in Vietnam should not know where rent and anti-DDoS firewall how you spend vps win 2008

Re: Filescripts Antiddos please !! - NexySamp - 20.09.2015

A FS wont help your server from getting atacked.You need to get a ddos protected server hosting.FS can stop join floods or boot spawners etc...