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Commands don't work - Printable Version

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Commands don't work[fixed] - TheKnown - 14.09.2015

so i have made some commands like:
    if(P_Data[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1)
    	if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 15.0, -2655.1001000,-219.7000000,6.6000000))
        	return 1;
	return 1;
for some reason when i try to type it ingame it says Unknown Command

Re: Commands don't work - Roberto80 - 14.09.2015

If(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(...)) it will open,if he is not,CMD will return as unkown

Re: Commands don't work - TheKnown - 14.09.2015

I am near the gate and it sill says the same

Re: Commands don't work - nezo2001 - 14.09.2015

PHP код:
P_Data[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1)
IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid15.0, -2655.1001000,-219.7000000,6.6000000))

Re: Commands don't work - TheKnown - 14.09.2015

It doesn't work..Every command i have doesn't work.Anyone know a solution on this?

Re: Commands don't work - karemmahmed22 - 14.09.2015

Ehm Show us your OnPlayerCommandText? Seems like something returning 0 there.

Re: Commands don't work - TheKnown - 14.09.2015

I am using zcmd

Re: Commands don't work - Nixtren - 14.09.2015

Use the plugin CrashDetect to troubleshoot this problem more accurately.