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Filterscripts Don't work!?? !!!HELP!!! - Printable Version

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Filterscripts Don't work!?? !!!HELP!!! - Funce - 14.09.2015

Well... Hello guys! So, when im adding new filterscript..(do all things what need to do) and joining my server. (ADDED BUY WEAPONS SCRIPT) So when im typing /buyweapons it should have to show up dialog with weapons to buy.
And it's nothing show up!!!!!
Anothers scripts not working too!!!
But i have 6 scripts what works...

So if you can help me answer me.

I dont use Linux, i'm using Windows 7.

Re: Filterscripts Don't work!?? !!!HELP!!! - Michael B - 14.09.2015

This error encounters when two or more dialogs either from gamemode or filterscript are defined with the same ID. In order to fix this issue, change the ID of the dialog found in your filterscript. Search for ShowPlayerDialog function.

Re: Filterscripts Don't work!?? !!!HELP!!! - Funce - 14.09.2015

Originally Posted by Michael B
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This error encounters when two or more dialogs either from gamemode or filterscript are defined with the same ID. In order to fix this issue, change the ID of the dialog found in your filterscript. Search for ShowPlayerDialog function.
You mean?
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 67, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Weapon shop"

Re: Filterscripts Don't work!?? !!!HELP!!! - Sh4d0w2 - 15.09.2015

Post the code here....So its help to find the problem quickly