Server.cfg bug - Printable Version
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Server.cfg bug -
ChristolisTV - 03.09.2015
Hello guys! I have two filterscripts: CAdmin.pwn, TuneFS.pwn! So I go to server.cfg then I go to filterscripts line and I put CAdmin first! But when I do that all Dialog Responses work but in TuneFS.pwn it don't! When I put the TuneFS.pwn first all the Dialog Responses work but in CAdmin.pwn it don't! Please fix that as fast as you can!
Re: Server.cfg bug -
Jake187 - 03.09.2015
why not just add these things to your GM instead?
Re: Server.cfg bug -
Sithis - 03.09.2015
Show your server.cfg maybe?
Re: Server.cfg bug -
J0sh... - 05.09.2015
Originally Posted by Pavintharan
You helped.
OP: This isn't a bug the filterscripts use the same dialog numbers so they're conflicting.
Re: Server.cfg bug -
xTURBOx - 06.09.2015
1. that is not a server.cfg bug
2. like jamester said it happens when your dialogs use the same ids