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[Include] - Fancy - 29.08.2015

The [FilterScript] tag on the topic is an accident
This is my first include release which makes it easier and faster to make teleports.

stock Teleport(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:FacingAngle, world, interior, showmessage, message[], style, sound, camreset, telemessage, telename[], telecommand[])
playerid - The id of the player for which you want to use this function.
Float:x - x cordinates of the teleport
Float:y - y cordinates of the teleport
Float:z - z cordinates of the teleport
Float:FacingAngle - Facing angle for the teleport
world - virtual world of the teleport (set 0 for default)
interior - interior of the teleport
showmessage - toggle teleport message
message[] - the message (This is used for showing teleport name,it will only work if the "show message" is true
style - as the messsage will be in GameText so you will have to enter the style
sound - toggle playing sound on teleport
camreset - Used to set player camera behind the player
telemessage - this will show a message to all players (example: Max has teleported to "telename[]" ("telecommand[]"))
telename[] - the name of the teleport to show in the global teleport message (only works when the "telemessage" is true)
telecommand[] - the command of the teleport to show in the global teleport message (only works when the "telemessage" is true)

1.Add the m_teleport/inc in the "/pawno/includes" folder
2.Add this after a_samp include and before including m_teleport
#define TeleMessageColor 0xFFFFFFFF
(This will be used as global teleport message color if you have enabled the global message in teleport)
3.Include the m_teleport

Example Script
#include <a_samp>
#define TeleMessageColor 0x33AA33AA /*Define this before including the m_teleport include.You can use costome color,it will be used for global message color*/
#include <m_teleport>


public OnFilterScriptInit()
	return 1;

public OnFilterScriptExit()
	return 1;

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
	if(strcmp("/teleport", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
		0,/*x cordinates*/
		0,/*y cordinates*/
		5,/*z cordinates*/
		0,/*facing angle cordinates*/
		0,/*virtual world*/
		true /*it will show the message as it is "true"*/,
		"Example"/*it will show a game text message to the player*/,
		6/*here we set the game test style to 6*/,
		true/*here we allowed the sound to be played*/,
		true/*it will set the players camers behind him/her */,
		true/*here we allowed the global teleport message*/,
		"Example"/*The teleport name in global message will be shown as "Example"*/,
		"/teleport"/*the teleport command in the global message will be "/teleport" now the final global message output is : "PlayerNameWillBeShowHere" teleported to Example (/teleport)*/);
		return 1;
	return 0;

Re: - Abagail - 29.08.2015

I suggest defining the TeleMessageColor color if not defined, ex:
pawn Код:
#if !defined TeleMessageColor
     #define TeleMessageColor 0xFFFFFFFF

Re: - Fancy - 29.08.2015

Originally Posted by Abagail
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I suggest defining the TeleMessageColor color if not defined, ex:
pawn Код:
#if !defined TeleMessageColor
     #define TeleMessageColor 0xFFFFFFFF
Thanks,i will add in next update

Re: - Crayder - 29.08.2015

I suggest making it unique. One way of doing so would be adding more than just messages. You may want to look into fading the screen with textdraws, that'd be a step closer to awesome.

Re: - Roberto80 - 29.08.2015

Mm not bad,add vehicle teleport in params,bool to teleport vehicle if he's inside one

Re: - Fancy - 29.08.2015

Originally Posted by Roberto80
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Mm not bad,add vehicle teleport in params,bool to teleport vehicle if he's inside one
I skipped that because i was bored.

Originally Posted by Crayder
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I suggest making it unique. One way of doing so would be adding more than just messages. You may want to look into fading the screen with textdraws, that'd be a step closer to awesome.
I am a noob at textdraws so i diden't used it. lol

Re: - Crayder - 29.08.2015

Originally Posted by Fancy
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I skipped that because i was bored.

I am a noob at textdraws so i diden't used it. lol
Creating a single textdraw over the screen isn't as complicated you think. I've been where you are, you won't learn it unless you do it. Try it, look at examples, look at other scripts (screenfader)...

Re: - PT - 29.08.2015

Originally Posted by Crayder
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I suggest making it unique. One way of doing so would be adding more than just messages. You may want to look into fading the screen with textdraws, that'd be a step closer to awesome.
Is not an bad idea you realease something like that :P like dynamic entrances...



Nice work, you can improve with Crayder sugestions.

Re: - Fancy - 29.08.2015

Originally Posted by Crayder
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Creating a single textdraw over the screen isn't as complicated you think. I've been where you are, you won't learn it unless you do it. Try it, look at examples, look at other scripts (screenfader)...
Originally Posted by PT
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Is not an bad idea you realease something like that :P like dynamic entrances...



Nice work, you can improve with Crayder sugestions.
But explain me where to add screen fade?

Re: - Lordzy - 29.08.2015

Since there's an arugment called "telecommand" you can even create automatic commands that are created by using your function. Under OnPlayerCommandText or OnPlayerCommandPerformed (If you're using zcmd), you can loop through your teleport data and see if a command matches, if then find the array index and perform the teleport function.

There's an include released here before which is similar to your include, I still remember suggesting what I've mentioned now. The author of that include updated it and it works well!

Re: - Fancy - 29.08.2015

Originally Posted by Lordzy
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Since there's an arugment called "telecommand" you can even create automatic commands that are created by using your function. Under OnPlayerCommandText or OnPlayerCommandPerformed (If you're using zcmd), you can loop through your teleport data and see if a command matches, if then find the array index and perform the teleport function.

There's an include released here before which is similar to your include, I still remember suggesting what I've mentioned now. The author of that include updated it and it works well!
I made it for custom text because some people don't want to show the command.