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how can I make? - zeth98 - 23.08.2015

Hi, how can I make to get the player pos of the hand I want to move an object to player hand. So how can take the pos without have problems because of fancyangle?

To explain I want to take the red point pos of the player, that want to be in right of player.

AW: how can I make? - MrGtasagamer - 23.08.2015

Originally Posted by zeth98
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Hi, how can I make to get the player pos of the hand I want to move an object to player hand. So how can take the pos without have problems because of fancyangle?

To explain I want to take the red point pos of the player, that want to be in right of player.
Try this:

PHP код:
public OnPlayerStateChange(playeridnewstateoldstate)
newstate == PLAYER_STATE_ICON && SetPlayerMapIcon(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) == 222)
playerid] = GetPlayerID(playerid);

Re: how can I make? - zeth98 - 23.08.2015

I don't understand your script I want to take my current pos off my right hand.

AW: Re: how can I make? - Kaliber - 23.08.2015

Originally Posted by zeth98
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I don't understand your script I want to take my current pos off my right hand.
Just let the object move slow to you and then use SetPlayerAttachedObject with boneid 6

Re: how can I make? - zeth98 - 23.08.2015

Yeah I know, but how I can move the attachedObject?
The attachedObject can't be moved. Si that I need from this function

AW: Re: how can I make? - Kaliber - 23.08.2015

Originally Posted by zeth98
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Yeah I know, but how I can move the attachedObject?
The attachedObject can't be moved. Si that I need from this function
It can be editing with a timer the offsets..

But i know what you mean...but u didnt get me...

You should use the x,y,z Pos of the player...and when it finished...just attach the object should move in the last step to the right position

Re: how can I make? - zeth98 - 24.08.2015

Yeah, but if I rotate my character the object are not in my right thss I want to say