funtion question -
zeth98 - 20.08.2015
Hello, how can I made a function to know X and Y coordonate around object pos with diameter off 5 units.
I know my pos I know object pos but how can I SetPlayerPos(Getplayerpos (x,y+1,z)
And the new player pos be an long circle?
P.S if I made that pos for many times the player need to rotate in round of object position (around of circle) with diameter 5 units
Re: funtion question -
Mariciuc223 - 20.08.2015
i think that it's what you need:
new Float:Pos[3];
GetPlayerPos(playerid, Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2]);
SetPlayerPos(playerid, Pos[0], Pos[1]+1, Pos[2]);
Re: funtion question -
zeth98 - 20.08.2015
Yes but this Position SetPlayerPos(playerid, Pos[0], Pos[1]+1, Pos[2]); need to be on the circle with diameter off 5 unit
AW: funtion question -
Nero_3D - 20.08.2015
An example not sure what you exactly wanted
PHP код:
TeleportPlayerAroundObject(objectid, Float: radius) {
Float: X,
Float: Y,
Float: Z
if(GetObjectPos(objectid, X, Y, Z)) {
for(i = GetPlayerPoolSize(); i >= 0; --i) {
if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) {
players[count++] = i;
Float: step = 360.0 / count
for(i = 0; count; (Float: i) += step) {
X + floatcos(Float: i, degrees) * radius,
Y + floatsin(Float: i, degrees) * radius,
Re: funtion question -
zeth98 - 20.08.2015
Yout function teleport me if I am in coord C teleport in D, if I am in A teleport me in D
I want if I am in A Teleport me in B
I want to teleport me to closet coord of circle
AW: funtion question -
Nero_3D - 20.08.2015
Ah okay here you go
pawn Код:
TeleportPlayerToObject(playerid, objectid, Float: distance) {
Float: pX,
Float: pY,
Float: pZ
if(GetPlayerPos(playerid, pX, pY, pZ)) {
Float: oX,
Float: oY,
Float: oZ
if(GetObjectPos(objectid, oX, oY, oZ)) {
pX -= oX;
pY -= oY;
pZ -= oZ;
distance /= VectorSize(pX, pY, pZ);
return SetPlayerPos(playerid,
oX + pX * distance,
oY + pY * distance,
return false;
Re: funtion question -
zeth98 - 20.08.2015
Re: funtion question -
zeth98 - 20.08.2015
I modiffied at the return SetPlyaerPos( "that operation " +1
But don't work. How can I make to TeleportPlayerToObject and auto rotating in round of object.
I want the player to rotate in round of object with this position and i put the value move.
AW: Re: funtion question -
Nero_3D - 21.08.2015
Originally Posted by zeth98
I modiffied at the return SetPlyaerPos( "that operation " +1
But don't work. How can I make to TeleportPlayerToObject and auto rotating in round of object.
I want the player to rotate in round of object with this position and i put the value move.
Could you rephrase that
1. Player gets teleported to the new position
2. Now he should rotate around the object ?
Than you need to use an timer which will rotate him by the given speed? Is this some kind of merry-go-round / carousel
Re: funtion question -
zeth98 - 21.08.2015
The function work god, and I put SetPlayerCameraPosLookAt "objectCoord" at a timer 20 miliseconds. And now I want to teleport me around object with 2meters