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MySQL plugin by BlueG - Printable Version

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MySQL plugin by BlueG - LocMax - 02.08.2015

So I've been converting my gamemode from strickenkid's MySQL to the newest version of BlueG's plugin, however there's an error:
"[15:41:38] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2005) Unknown MySQL server host 'MYSQL_HOST'"

#define MYSQL_HOST ""

The database is located on the same host as the server, it was working properly with strickenkid's MySQL, however now the errors appear.
Any ideas how to resolve this? What are the possible solutions?

Re: MySQL plugin by BlueG - xVIP3Rx - 02.08.2015

You're probably adding it as
pawn Code:
Remove the '"' around it, like this