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InterPolate camera question - Printable Version

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InterPolate camera question - sjames - 27.07.2015

1) When I move camera to a position, the enviornment is all blurry, the objects are not streamed in. How do you stream in the objects and make it nice & clear?

AW: InterPolate camera question - Mencent - 27.07.2015


You have to put the player in the near of your camera position so that the map can load and the it see nice and clear.

Re: InterPolate camera question - sjames - 27.07.2015

I moved the player right into the area with SetPlayerPos. The surroundings are now very clear.. but the streamer objects are still not loaded. I guess player has to move for these to stream in?

How to get the objects streamed in?

AW: InterPolate camera question - Mencent - 27.07.2015

You have to increase the distance of these objects (in CreateDynamicObject).

Re: InterPolate camera question - sjames - 27.07.2015

That's not the issue. The player is right at the created objects. When he spawns there the objects get loaded in fine.

case 0:
			SetPlayerPos(playerid, -249.4287,2582.2664,79.6781);
			SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 145.3412);
			InterpolateCameraPos(playerid, -142.057250, 1147.591064, 43.678829, -256.193542, 2570.791259, 85.320953, 1000);
			InterpolateCameraLookAt(playerid, -145.192489, 1144.108276, 41.935016, -253.922729, 2574.783935, 83.345405, 1000);

			gTeam[playerid] = T_USA;


Re: InterPolate camera question - sjames - 28.07.2015

Anyone? The surrounding is loaded fine (default objects) but the streamer objects are loaded in once he spawns.

AW: InterPolate camera question - Mencent - 28.07.2015

Can you send us a screenshot of this issue so that we can better help you.

Re: InterPolate camera question - sjames - 28.07.2015

Actually he should be standing on a object. But seems like it isnt loading in.

AW: InterPolate camera question - Mencent - 28.07.2015

Are you in the right virtual world?

Re: InterPolate camera question - sjames - 28.07.2015

Yes I am. I even put 'SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);' in beginning of requestclass, but still the same.

EDIT: Fixed it by pre-loading the objects there:

native Streamer_UpdateEx(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1);