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DealerShip - Adnosius - 26.07.2015

Hey ! I just downloaded a dealership what need MySQL to run,but my server is'nt MySQL.Can you help me to edit that Dealership filterscript? Ty.

Here's the FilterScript :

Re: DealerShip - morjan - 26.07.2015

If you want to change your server to mysql from dini files it take alot of work

Re: DealerShip - Adnosius - 26.07.2015

No,i just want the filterscript without MySQL,not the server.Or another DealerShip like this without MySQL

Re: DealerShip - Toxik - 26.07.2015

Originally Posted by morjan
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If you want to change your server to mysql from dini files it take alot of work
Yeah that's Right

Originally Posted by Adnosius
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Hey ! I just downloaded a dealership what need MySQL to run,but my server is'nt MySQL.Can you help me to edit that Dealership filterscript? Ty.

Here's the FilterScript :
Like morjan said this Will take so much time and alot of work
MYSQL is a saving system too
Dini or other saving systems

Re: DealerShip - Adnosius - 26.07.2015

So,can anyone help to modify my FS to doesn't require MySQL?

Re: DealerShip - gurmani11 - 26.07.2015

its about $$$$$

Re: DealerShip - Adnosius - 26.07.2015

Anyone can help me?