[FilterScript] Military transport + HQ - Printable Version
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Military transport + HQ -
iTakelot - 24.07.2015
This Military filterscript has gate system with password, transportation equipment for two Area51 places and for a place in Other (LV) Deposito De Armas, for the player to work as Military is necessary to have at least 50 scores (Edit), has also a HQ in (LV) Las ventures with cars to do the transport equipment with use of checkpoints Note: the only vehicle that can be used to transport and the Patriot ID (470), and weapons system in dialog with 9 weapons use ZCMD for commands.
/carregar - Carrega o equipamento para o transportes
/tmilitar - Inicia um trabalho como Militar (Necessario ter 50 scores)
/abrirportao - Opens gate HQ
/fecharportao Close Portao
/sairm - Get off work Military
/militarcomandos - Ve all commands of the Military
/rendersee Render-se
/pegararmas Opens the weapons menu Military
Total comandos: 8
Includes used
sscanff Autor: ******
ZCMD Autor: ZeeX
#define SENHA_PORTAO "Wearemilitary"
#define Desempregado 50 //If you have another profession as defined50 mude
Click the image to start the dawnload ( Inglish )
Click the image to start the dawnload ( PT\BR )
Re: Military transport + HQ -
jamesmith12 - 24.07.2015
Not English ?
Re: Military transport + HQ -
ognyanov - 24.07.2015
In this forum the most implanted language is English, to be reckoned with this.You can translate the script in English.
Re: Military transport + HQ -
iTakelot - 24.07.2015
Originally Posted by jamesmith12
Not English ?
Originally Posted by ognyanov
In this forum the most implanted language is English, to be reckoned with this.You can translate the script in English.
descupas, translated: D
Re: Military transport + HQ -
jamesmith12 - 24.07.2015
Ah ok