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DM sugressions ;) ? - Printable Version

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DM sugressions ;) ? - Toxik - 22.07.2015

Sup guys im working on a Deathmatch Server
there is only SA-DM
/Rules (Textdraws)
/help (Textdraws)
House System:
Cosumt interiors (Players can make theyr interiors in map editor)
Buyable cars
Vip houses
Donator Houses
for now using AVS Vehicle ownership
Clothes System by my self
Random Spawns
Weapons on spawn
Vip system
admin system
/vpack (vip weapon pack)
/vcar (vip car)

ADMIN CMDS: Lux admin system till i done my self one

What should i add on the Server ?
Post Links
Post sugressions
Post anyithing You would se on a New DM server

Should i add : EVENTS (1-3th place reward) , RACES (reward 1-3 place)
Maps for /dm
maps for /TDM
map for /Sniper wars
Sugress me More

Re: DM sugressions ;) ? - DarkLored - 22.07.2015

Add customary objectives, events, races, something that will keep the player interested in.

Re: DM sugressions ;) ? - Crayder - 22.07.2015

You had the same word here.

2. I have a great sugression!
There is this thing at the top of the page called a "Search" button. If you are looking for sugressions I suggest spelling the word right though [, "suggestions"]. There are many topics like this already. You could even look at the gamemode release section and look at some good DM releases. Get ideas from those or find more suggestion topics. There are quite a few 'round here.

Re: DM sugressions ;) ? - PrivatioBoni - 22.07.2015

I guess you should only have features that are relevant to a DM server. Why would you want houses and custom interiors in a DM server?

Re: DM sugressions ;) ? - SchurmanCQC - 22.07.2015


Re: DM sugressions ;) ? - admantis - 22.07.2015

Add guns and stuff like that

Re: DM sugressions ;) ? - andrew01000 - 22.07.2015


Re: DM sugressions ;) ? - StuartD - 22.07.2015

what about making it so when one person shoots another they get points.

Re: DM sugressions ;) ? - iFoxTheRoleplayer - 22.07.2015

Have a sort of bandage system or first aid kit system, Where they go to a 24/7 store and buy it.

Re: DM sugressions ;) ? - Toxik - 23.07.2015

Originally Posted by PrivatioBoni
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I guess you should only have features that are relevant to a DM server. Why would you want houses and custom interiors in a DM server?
So players can hidde in their Houses and chill a bit ?