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My VPS Problem - Printable Version

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My VPS Problem - Harith - 21.07.2015

Im Trying To Start My Server Then It Be Like This Why??

~/samp03 $ nohup: ignoring input and appending output to 'nohup.out'
nohup: failed to run command './samp03svr': No such file or directory

Re: My VPS Problem - Jake187 - 21.07.2015

go to the directory with your samp03svr file and start the server as ./samp03sv instead of using nodhup.

If the server starts you're good to go, but most of the time this error happens when you're missing files normally 32bit libs on a 64bit system.

Re: My VPS Problem - SoFahim - 21.07.2015

There to system . lemme tell :

 cd ( SAMP folder where the samp03svr is locate.)
chmod +x samp03svr announce 
nohup ./samp03svr &
or use this mathod 2 :

cd ( SAMP folder where the samp03svr is locate.)
sudo chmod +x samp03svr 
sudo nohup ./samp03svr &
this is it. your server 100% open

Re: My VPS Problem - MustangV10 - 21.07.2015

You may like to look at: