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Pages: 1 2 party! - Crayder - 20.07.2015

Some of us have played, some haven't. Some of us who played know there is a party mode where we can all connect to the same world. We should start an 'clan'.

We would all wear tags so we can identify each other, like "SAMP_*name*". We would help each other become the biggest blobs and take of the world we're in.

Re: party! - stueycow - 20.07.2015

There are 1000's of different servers. The chance of meeting each other is pritty much Nill.

Re : party! - vic1997 - 20.07.2015

Ok for me

Re: party! - Crayder - 20.07.2015

Originally Posted by stueycow
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There are 1000's of different servers. The chance of meeting each other is pritty much Nill.
Haven't you heard of PARTY MODE (like I said in the main post)? It's where you give your friends a specific URL and we all go to the same server.

For example I just created this (but I just left so it's probably expired):

EDIT: New party -
I'll be going as far right as possible, bottom corner, we'll meet there... XD

Re: party! - Stanford - 20.07.2015

Do you have access of party mode in an IOS device if you installed their app?

Re: party! - Crayder - 20.07.2015

Originally Posted by Stanford
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Do you have access of party mode in an IOS device if you installed their app?
I don't know, I'm playing on my computer. I think it sucks on tablets.

Re: party! - DRUNKY - 20.07.2015

coming in!

Re: party! - Stanford - 20.07.2015

Tried to join with this on computer didn't work..

Re: party! - Crayder - 20.07.2015

I gave the new url above, plus make sure your name has SA-MP in it, I was just in 5th place til that italy ov dude killed me, asshole.

Re: party! - Stanford - 20.07.2015

pawn Code:

There was a problem joining that party, please make sure the code is correct, or try creating another party
I typed that on the URL
pawn Code:
web browser: internet explorer 11

Re: party! - Konverse - 21.07.2015

I've been playing this and I got bored from it because some bunch of no lifer players with a big cells doesn't give a chance for the other small celled players to play properly.

Re: party! - rymax99 - 21.07.2015

Originally Posted by Konverse
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I've been playing this and I got bored from it because some bunch of no lifer players with a big cells doesn't give a chance for the other small celled players to play properly.
What? The point of the game is to grow, and eating other cells is an effective way of doing that, so learn to navigate around without getting eaten.

Re: party! - RaeF - 21.07.2015

sometimes, i hate this game because too much teamwork in FFA server. if my rank is 2-10, some bigest team will hunt me, if im bigger, all of team member will feed bigest cell who inside their team and eat me, that sucx.

in Asian server, there are AGC (China), taiwan, and korean.

Re: party! - Crayder - 21.07.2015

Originally Posted by RaeF
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sometimes, i hate this game because too much teamwork in FFA server. if my rank is 2-10, some bigest team will hunt me, if im bigger, all of team member will feed bigest cell who inside their team and eat me, that sucx.

in Asian server, there are AGC (China), taiwan, and korean.
I always team up with the big guys, it's not hard. Nobody knows who to trust on the FFA server. Just make everyone think they can trust you, feed them, they feed you. You end of getting big by eating your "friends" then move on to get bigger "friends." It's easy!

Well, that's my strategy anyways. It works for me, probably not for you because it sounds like you gave up at level 10. I'm level 41.

Re: party! - Kapersky™ - 21.07.2015

Will join in as soon as I come on PC.

Re: party! - GreenSt4lker - 21.07.2015

What's the link?

Re: party! - YoDawg - 21.07.2015

> joins the game > spawns as a small ball > looking for other samp players > can't find shit and cba to > get eaten by a big cell > 10/10 would play again yes ok

Re: party! - Crayder - 22.07.2015

Originally Posted by Crayder
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I always team up with the big guys, it's not hard. Nobody knows who to trust on the FFA server. Just make everyone think they can trust you, feed them, they feed you. You end of getting big by eating your "friends" then move on to get bigger "friends." It's easy!

Well, that's my strategy anyways. It works for me, probably not for you because it sounds like you gave up at level 10. I'm level 41.
Just for example, this is me becoming the big pink guy's friend:
This is me consuming the big guy; becoming, the big guy:

Look at the clock, it only took less than five minutes to become his friend and eat him and his friend (the blue guy).

Also, yes I have that bot engine cheat installed, but it's been toggled off that entire round (you can even see that in the corner). I only use it to get the info circles (they tell you which way to go to get away from danger, and who you can't consume).

Re: party! - RaeF - 22.07.2015

Great strategy i ever seen,
Windows XP

Re: party! - Crayder - 22.07.2015

Originally Posted by RaeF
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Windows XP
Don't make fun of my bad ass XP! I've explained why I use WinXP a lot. My computer still has Win7 on it (bought it with Win7), but I boot into XP because Win7 is slow on this shit pile. I have another computer but I need to get it a new mobo, I was cleaning it with a bad compressed air can. I bought a cheap off-brand compressed air can and it ruined the mobo.

OT: We should all juice the hell out of some servers with my strategy, and I won't go against you guys... XD