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strreplace problem - Printable Version

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strreplace problem - ShoortyFl - 20.07.2015

I'm having some trouble with str_replace from strlib include, so i wanted to replace @ with (at) when entering email but it's not working, and idk why,

pawn Код:
mysql_real_escape_string(inputtext, escinput);
                    str_replace("@", "(at)", escinput);
                    mysql_real_escape_string(inputtext, escinput);
                    strcpy(PI[playerid][Email], escinput);
                    TextDrawSetString(RegTD[playerid][8], escinput);

AW: strreplace problem - Kaliber - 20.07.2015

Use this code:

PHP код:
stock ReplaceString(const search[],const replace[], source[], size=sizeof source)
i==-1) return 0
    for( ; 
i!=-1i=strfind(source,search,false,i+len)) strdel(source,i,i+tmp),strins(source,replace,i,size);

And do it like this:

PHP код: