HELP - SCM spam - Printable Version
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HELP - SCM spam -
Benac - 19.07.2015
Hi guys, first sorry for my bad english.. I was make my own job but then i finished with work in chat spam message. how to make just one message?
part of the script
if(pokoseno == 5)//broj pokoљene trave nakon koje ce igrač dobiti novac (ako je pokosio 5 objekata, zavrљava posao)
Podigniplacu[playerid] = 1;
SCM(playerid,-1,""SBIZ"(Posao) "BIJELA"Uspijesno si zavrsio sa poslom podigni placu!"); <=
Re: HELP - SCM spam -
gurmani11 - 19.07.2015
show SCM stock
is in
Re: HELP - SCM spam -
Benac - 19.07.2015
see whole code, it's in on end of script
forward TimerTrava(playerid);
public TimerTrava(playerid)
new Float:Pos[3];//x,y,z pozicije objekata trave
new pokoseno = 0;//broj pokoљene trave
for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(Trava); i++)//prolazi kroz sve objekte trave koje smo kreirali
GetPlayerObjectPos(playerid, Trava[i][playerid], Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2]);//uzima x,y,z pozicije objekata trave
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 3.0, Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2]) && VoziloKosaca(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)))//provjera dali je igrač u blizini objekta trave i dali je u kosilici
DestroyPlayerObject(playerid, Trava[i][playerid]);//unistava objekt trave kroz koji smo prosli
Trava[i][playerid] = 999;//stavlja varijablu za objekat na 999
if(Trava[i][playerid] == 999)//provjera dali je objekt trave na 999...
pokoseno++;//...ako je na 999, povecava broj pokosene trave za 1
if(pokoseno == 5)//broj pokoљene trave nakon koje ce igrač dobiti novac (ako je pokosio 5 objekata, zavrљava posao)
Podigniplacu[playerid] = 1;
SCM(playerid,-1,""SBIZ"(Posao) "BIJELA"Uspijesno si zavrsio sa poslom podigni placu!");
Re: HELP - SCM spam -
Glenn332 - 19.07.2015
KillTimer(TimerNAME); under SCM?
Cuz if it spams that means that function is being called multiple times!
Re: HELP - SCM spam -
Benac - 19.07.2015
how to? i need make new timer or what ?
Re: HELP - SCM spam -
Vince - 19.07.2015
Code/comment in English if you expect to get any useful help here. Context is important but I can't be bothered to translate.
Re: HELP - SCM spam -
Glenn332 - 19.07.2015
Show me where you start timer
Re: HELP - SCM spam -
Benac - 20.07.2015
ty Glenn332
Re: HELP - SCM spam -
Glenn332 - 20.07.2015
Originally Posted by Benac
ty Glenn332
No problem